Chapter Eighteen

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A/N the translations are going to be in the writing for this chapter because it's easier to read that way.

"Wolf!" Peter yelled. He was so excited to see him. He'd been gone---Wolf never tells him where he goes---for almost a month now. Wolf didn't even turn at Peter's yell and Peter felt disappointment rest in stomach.

Wolf didn't remember him.


Peter didn't really understand what happened to Wolf whenever he was gone, or what the Doctor did to him once he was back. All he knew was that whenever Wolf was gone, he'd come back and forget everything about himself. And Peter.

But Peter and Wolf had a special system. Peter would tell Wolf about everything he missed and then he'd say his secret nickname and then Wolf would suddenly remember everything. Peter always giggle whenever Wolf would remember and give Peter a big hug.

Peter ached to go over to where Wolf was standing by himself in the corner of the target room, but he knew if he did, the Doctor would get mad at him. Peter risked a glance to his left to see the Doctor giving him a look.

Peter stiffened, instantly moving to pick up a piece of the elaborate puzzle that was laid out before him. He shakily finished it and pressed a red button when he was done. A buzzer rang out and the Doctor walked over to see the puzzle before letting out a 'tch' and shook his head.

"Четыре минуты Вы останавливаетесь." he said. (Four minutes. You are stalling.)

Peter felt his heart beat faster in fear. "N-нет .." (N-No...) he said slowly. "I wasn't Doctor. I promise."

The Doctor looked at him for a few more seconds before looking over to Wolf, who was standing in the corner watching them with a disinterested gaze. "You are thinking about the Soldier, да?" (yes?) he asked. Peter nodded slowly.

" Wolf okay?" Peter dared to ask. The Doctor turned up his chin at the question and sniffed disdainfully.

"Who cares. He is not here to be 'okay'. He is an asset. Pure and simple." the Doctor then bent down quickly and Peter flinched back. "В отличие от тебя, мой эксперимент. Вы будете очень ценным в один прекрасный день ..." (Unlike you, my experiment. You are going to be very valuable one day...)

Peter shivered, discomfort racing through him.

The Doctor scared him.


The first time Peter met Wolf, he was crying.

The Doctor gave him a shot of something and hurt really, really bad, and Peter was scared. He wanted his daddy. Whenever Peter had to get a shot at the doctors, daddy would hold his hand and make him feel better.

The Doctor didn't let anyone hold his hand and make him feel better.

"Are you new, kid?" someone had asked. Peter flinched and turned around quickly, his arm sore from the shot.

"Who are you?" Peter asked, sniffing. He rubbed his face clean of tears. "'M Peter. 'M four."

The man gave him a look, and Peter didn't know what if meant. Finally he spoke. "I'm Актив." (Asset)

Peter tilted his head. "What does that mean?"

"Asset." he said. "My name is Asset. What are you doing here? I've never heard the name Peter for an Asset."

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