Chapter Five

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Hey guys, I managed to fix the problem but this story is really far behind so get ready cause I'm gonna post a whole buncha chapters to catch up! 

Tony sighed when he woke up. Pepper had brought out the baby blanket again. Tony scooted closer to her and wrapped her tightly in his arms. She muttered sleepily but didn't wake up. Tony looked at the ceiling and frowned.

Peter was home. They'd found him. After years and years of thinking he was dead. But he wasn't. He was alive. He was alive and showed no signs of ever being shot in a fatal spot. So that begs the question.

Why did his kidnappers make the world believe he was dead?

Tony groaned again, angry at himself for not just basking in the moment for a second. Peter was alive. His baby boy was alive and healthy---well as much as he could be, what with a small hole in his thigh---and he was finally home. It was everything he had ever wanted. Why couldn't he just be happy? Pepper lifted her head off his chest. "You okay?" she asked, kissing his cheek with a small smile.

"I'm perfect," he said, grinning at his beautiful wife. "You okay?"

Pepper frowned and looked at the knitted baby blanket in her arms. "It's just so surreal." she said softly. "We finally have our baby back. But he's..." she trailed off but Tony knew what she was going to say. All grown up.

"We can still make memories with him," Tony said firmly. He would be damned if he didn't. "This will be good. How hard can it be?"

Pepper laughed.

"Famous last words."


"Good morning," Steve said with a smile. Tony grunted at him and shuffled as quickly as he could to the liquid of the gods. Coffee. "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good Capsicle." Tony said. He smiled as he sat down at the table. "Who's on breakfast duty?"

"Me!" exclaimed Clint, brandishing a cooking pan. Tony groaned and let his head slam into the table. There were similar groans from the other Avengers who were all seated around the table. "What? I'm a great cook!"

"I thought we agreed Clint doesn't get to be in the kitchen after the disaster last time." Natasha said, looking pointedly at Tony.

"We did." Tony agreed. He stood up and snatched the pan out of Clint's hand. Clint let out a defeated groan but sank into the empty chair. "What does everyone want for breakfast?"

"You're cooking?" Pepper asked, walking into the kitchen looking sharp. "I thought it was Clint's turn?"

"So it was you who put that idea in his head!" Tony said, pointing a finger at Pepper accusingly. "You're lucky we stopped him before he exploded our kitchen! Again!"

"It was an accident!" Clint moaned. "Let it go already!"

"We're never letting it go." Natasha said firmly. "Look, the scorch marks are still on the ceiling." And sure enough, just above the stove were several black marks on the ceiling. Tony didn't have it in him to clean that spot. He figured he'd leave it for whenever someone needed to embarrass Clint Barton.

"How do you know that was me?" Clint asked. "Huh? What if it was from that one time Thor tried to make his own Pop-Tarts?"

"Can it, vent rat, we know it was you." Tony said. "Now, what does everyone want?"

"Pancakes!" Steve said. "And bacon!"

Pepper looked around the kitchen and frowned. "Where's Peter?" she asked.

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