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   Ethan walked into the place they were shooting at today with a big smile on his face. He could not stop thinking of Hailey, she was so captivating. All the sidemen cheered when Ethan walked in, they had been waiting for him. "Ethan where have you been mate?" Harry asked.

   "I just lost track of time at the gym." He smile grew as he recalled what happened.

   "That doesn't look like an after workout smile." Josh laughed.

   "Bro did you fuck someone?" Jj asked, seriously.

   "Yes Jj of course he fucked some one at 7:00 in the morning." Vik answered sarcastically. The boys all laughed.

   "Bro seriously you usually are always here first we were so confused." Simon told him.

   "Alright lads, I met a girl today at the gym. Her name is Hailey and she hilarious, and I got her number." Ethan explained. The boys cheered for Ethan. After Ethan and Emily broke up he hadn't been the same. He was lonely. He was over Emily, he just missed the companionship. He was very codependent and he needed someone. The boys had tried to set him up before, but nothing ever clicked. This was a big moment for him.

   "Well you have to text her!" Vik said. A couple boys agreed.
   "Nah bro, you have to wait like three weeks to build up the tension and then fuck the shit out of her." Jj told him. The boys looked at Jj confused and then burst out laughing.

   "I actually feel really good about this, I think I'm going to text her after shooting." He said. The boys agreed that that was a good plan and sat down to film.

   When Hailey left the gym she went straight home and got to work. She had to edit four videos today before 6 pm tonight, so she was stressed out. Hailey had a tendency to let herself get overwhelmed very easily and since her roommate, Angela was visiting home, she had no one to calm her down.

   Hailey went into her office and started off on the easiest video. Talia Mar, was a new Client, this would be her first time editing for her, but she asked for a very simple edit. Hailey found herself smiling while watching the video, Talia was super charming and adorable. She finished the edit in about forty-five minutes.

   It was about 3:30 when she finished her third video. As she closed her laptop to take a break her phone buzzed.

Hi Hailey
It's Ethan

Ethan! Hi!

What have you been up to
since this morning

Just working

What do you do

I edit

Like videos?

Yeah I actually edit YouTube videos
And music videos, most YouTube
Right now though.

Oh that's too funny
I actually do YouTube

No way!!!

Yeah my channel is Behzinga
I am also apart of the sidemen
Don't know if you've heard if it
It's just a group with me and
my friends

Holy shit no way!
My little brother loves the

   Hailey and Ethan talked for hours. She found it a nice distraction so she didn't get bored while editing. She ended up finishing the the video right at six. Talking to Ethan actually kept her from stressing herself out. This video was super overwhelming, but Ethan kept her laughing and smiling.

   Ethan was siting on the couch at Vik's apartment texting Hailey. All the sidemen were there after finished filming. "Ethan how did you think filming today went?" Vik asked, trying to make conversation. Ethan didn't hear him.

   "Ethan hello?" Josh said.

   "He's looking at a dick pic." Harry laughed. Jj laughed very loudly, which made Ethan look up at them.

"What?" Ethan smiled.

"Are you talking to gym girl?" Tobi asked.

"Hailey yes." Ethan confirmed.

"Have you asked her out yet?" Simon asked.

"Mate we just started talking?" Ethan said.

"Yeah but if she's as good as you said, there's a line of guys waiting to smash, you gotta get in there an you know." Jj did a thrusting motion. The guys groaned at him.

Hey Hailey, after the gym
tomorrow morning, would
you like to go get a coffee or
Go get breakfast or something

Of course! Or we
Can just skip the
Gym altogether,
I'm not in the mood
For leg day

Skipping the gym
You better be a an
amazing girl

You'll be surprised
I know the perfect place

Bubbly - Ethan PayneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora