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   Hailey and Angela were close with Callum Airey. They have partied together and even hung out at each other's flats. Callum had no problem introducing the girls to Callux, but he did with Harry, only because Harry had been begging to meet them. It became a joke between the four.

   Callum kept the girls from the sidemen purely because he was afraid. Hailey and Angela were his girls, best friends for life, they would joke. He was scared that the girls would meet the sidemen and see how great the group of seven men were and leave him and Callux behind. He did not have a choice anymore, as the sidemen needed help and Hailey, being one of the best editors in London, was there only hope.

   There was a knock on the door of Simon and Jj's flat. Callum opened the door and hugged the two girls. Hailey had a backpack with her, with all the necessities she might need to edit, some of the youtubers she worked for were very last minute, so it was always in her car. Angela was so excited to see Callum. They had not seen each other for two weeks,

   The two girls entered and were met by a lot of men. "Sorry ladies. It's an all hands on deck here. There's a lot of people to meet." Callum told there. There seemed to be about fifteen people in the apartment. Cal brought Hailey over to Simon, leaving Angie with Callux. "Simon this is Hailey, my editor." Hailey smiled and stuck out her hand to shake.

   "So we have a big problem and everyone is freaking out." Simon told her. His hands were on his temples, he was, well, stressed the fuck out. "I'm sorry I've been working on this all day long and nothing is working and no one is trying to help me figure it out! I don't know what to do anymore! I feel like I've done everything I can. We might as well just scrap this whole video and not post this week." The boy ranted.

   "Is it okay if I watch some of it to get an idea of what's going on?" She asked. Simon nodded, giving her the head phones and pressing play. She listened for a bit and then skipped a little and listened for a bit more. She quickly gasped as she saw Ethan on the screen. She then remembered that he told her he was apart of the sidemen.

   "Everything okay?" Simon asked, concerned from her gasp.

   "Yeah sorry," she took the head phones off, "so it seems like in the beginning his microphone and his microphone is not working." She pointed to Jj and Harry, as she was still unfamiliar with all the boys names. "But then in the middle his mic starts working but then his stops." She points to Jj then Tobi. "But then at the end everyone but Ethan's Mic is working." Simon was a big confused on why she knew Ethan's name but no one else's, but he decided he was too stressed to ask.

   "Yeah and that's a big problem, especially Harry and Jj, they are a lot of the fans favorites and without there jokes being loud enough to hear this video is going to flop." Simon threw his head in his hands.

   "Alright, I'm going to get to work, this shouldn't be impossible, I have had to do harder, but it is going to take a while since the video is so long." Simon nodded at what she was saying.

   As Hailey was starting to work Angie was walking around making friends. Angela was a true social butterfly, she could make friends at a funeral. In fact her Instagram bio says, "puts the fun in funeral." Angie has learned that Freya was Josh's girlfriend. Angie had also somehow learned the girl's whole life story. That's just who Angela is, she can get anything out of anyone. People just trust her as soon as they meet her, which she uses to her advantage sometimes.

   The next friend Angela made was a man called Tobi. He was apart of the sidemen also. She found him super interesting and would love to learn more. She then ran into Ethan. After some small talk she was able to figure out that it was Hailey's Ethan! She told Ethan that Hailey was also there, but she was working. She told him she would send Hailey to him when she was done editing.

   Angela was doing everything she could to avoid Harry Lewis, she knew what he looked like and wanted to keep the joke that her, Hailey, and the Cal's share. While trying to avoid Harry she bumped into a very muscular chest. She looked up and stuttered the word sorry. The man was intimidating. He was tall, muscular, and quite attractive, although she did think his hair was ugly.

   The two became engrossed in a conversation. Learning things about one an other. Like how Angela own a restaurant and how Jj has a YouTube channel under the name KSI with a multitude of subscribers. The two really hit it off. Finding out that he was twenty-six and she was twenty-five was icing on the cake. It was almost as if the two were meant to be.

   A few hours later Hailey called over her new friend Simon. She had finished the edit, not only did she fix the sound, but she edited to whole video for Simon. She edited the same way she would for the Cal's assuming they would use a similar style. Simon watched the video as Hailey sat next to him anxious that he would hate it.

   When Simon finished the video he gave the girl a hug. "Thank you so much, you literally saved our lives today. Also the editing was great and I honestly think it's ready to post." Hailey smiled.

   Most of the people that were there originally had left, except for the seven sidemen, Freya, the Cal's, and of course Angie. Simon stood up and everyone looked at him. "We have a video! Thanks to Hailey!" He pulled her into a side hug as everyone cheered.

   Angela grabbed Hailey and brought her to where Ethan was standing and then went back to Jj. "Hi! Long time no see." Hailey said to Ethan. The boy smiled.

   "I see you were able to save our video." Ethan said.

   "I guess you could say that." Hailey smiled.

   Ethan pulled the girl into a hug and whispered, "thank you." Hailey automatically melted into his arms. Of course she had been hugged before, but hugs from him felt different. She noticed it the first time too, it was so weird. It almost felt safe, like she was meant to be there. What she was unaware of is that Ethan felt the same.

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