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   "Angie what the absolute fuck. The emergency was a cat? You bought a bloody cat, without asking me! I'm allergic to cats! Like very allergic, I can't be near them." Hailey yelled. Angela and Hailey were in a huge fight. Angela interrupted Hailey's time with Ethan, told Hailey there was an emergency, and adopted a cat without telling her. This would not be as huge as a fight as it was, but Hailey was extremely allergic to cats.

   "Hailey, you need to lighten up, it's a cat, it's not going to do anything." Angie yelled back.

   "Angela do you understand how much effort it takes to take care of pets! Have you even bought a litter box yet?" Hailey asked.

   "A litter what? The women at the shelter didn't say anything about that." Angie said.

   "Jesus fucking Christ. Ang you can't keep fucking doing this. Two months ago you bought a hamster and then accidentally lost it! Five months ago you bought a rabbit and when you realized you did not know what food to get it you gave it to someone on the street!" Hailey was tired of Angie doing what ever she wanted and never asking for her opinion. They lived together, Hailey paid the majority of the rent, she should have a say on the things Angie buys for the flat.

   "This will be different!" Angie told her.

   "How? How will this be different?" She sneezed, "This is unacceptable Ang!" She sneezed again, "do you have no respect for me? You have known I'm allergic to cats since we first met!"

   "I forgot okay!" Angie yelled as she stroked the cat, whom she named Phillip. Angie swiftly looked up as Hailey started to make weird noises. "What are you doing?"

   "I'm wheezing you arse! I can't fucking breathe because of your dumb cat!" Hailey said as she stared sneezing again.

   "Well if it's that big of a deal I'll try to give it to my cousin, but I'll have to drive up to where he lives and that's a couple hours. I have to work all next week though, so it's going to have to wait a bit." Angie explained.

   "Angie I cant live here with a cat! This is so irresponsible, not only do not know how to take care of a cat, but you also can fucking kill me! Holy fuck I can't breathe." Hailey exclaimed.

"Maybe you need to sit down." Angie said and Hailey paced around the room.

"You have no right to try to rake care of me when you can't even take care of yourself!" Hailey looked at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Angie asked.

"It means you can't to anything by yourself! You're almost twenty-six Angela and I still do all the food shopping!" Hailey yelled.

"What do you mean! I own a fucking restaurant." Angela was on the brink of crying.

"You do not own a restaurant! You bought a lease with your parents money and then hired people to run it! When's the last time you've been there Ang?" Hailey questioned.

"A little over a month." She muttered.

"A month! You hear that, a month! That doesn't sound like something a restaurant owner would do, does it?" Hailey laughed,
"Instead of running your own damn restaurant you're buying fucking cats and spending your parents money on useless shit!" Hailey started to feel bad, but she's been repressing all of this anger for months.

"Don't act like your so perfect and you have your whole life planned out. You ruin every relationship you get in! Soon enough you'll be crying because you broke it off with Ethan! I wouldn't be surprised if you ended up alone because no one wants to deal with someone as high maintenance as you! News flash Hailey, you're toxic." Angie was hurt by what Hailey said, even though it was true, so she was trying to get back at her, even if it wasn't right.

"If I'm so toxic get out." Hailey said, her hands were in fists and her eyes were closed. She could not breathe. Her lungs felt like they were closing.

"Fine, I'll stay in a hotel tonight." Angie said as she went to her room and started to throw things in a bag.

"Take your fucking cat too." That was Hailey's final words to Angie before she left.

   Hailey plopped down on the couch and took her inhaler. That stupid cat. She thought cats were adorable, but that does not mean she could live with one. Hailey could not breathe. Not only did she have stress induced asthma, but also allergy aggravated asthma, so that fight could not have gone worse.

   She thought she was going to pass out. Hailey was worried for her health, so she called Cal.

Cal, I need you to come
pick up and bring me to
The hospital. I'm having
An asthma attack. Please
Come here.

Oh my god! Hailey
Are you okay? What's

Cal I'm okay, well no
But, I can't fucking
Breathe. Just please
Come here, I got in a
Fight with Angie. I and
I'm having an asthma
Attack. Please just come
Here and pick me up.

Okay I'm leaving now.
I'll be there soon.
Please be safe.
Love you bye!

I love you too bye!

Hailey tried to take a deep breath in. She thought maybe she should call Ethan, but she did not want to worry him, so she decided a simple text should suffice.

Hey Ethan! I can't really
Talk right now, but everything
Is okay, mostly! I'll talk to you

Cal was supposed film with the boys today, but Hailey's health came first. He loved her like a little sister, he could not just leave her to die. He quickly texted the group chat with all of the boys.

The Boys

Lads, is there anyway
We can push back filming
For today?
I have to take Hailey to the
Hospital she got in a fight
With her roommate.
She's mid asthma attack
And I'd rather not let her die.

Of course mate!
Let us know if she's


Author note hehehe
I hate this chapter Gn. I wanted to add some drama to the story, but there's just too much dialogue and I'm upset about it. I wanted to make a genuine fight and give a real reason other than the cat, but I couldn't do it without adding lots of dialogue and I'm sad. This chapter has so substance.
I hope This chapter is okay and you guys enjoy it.

Also I changed some of the formatting of the chapters I published so sorry for all the motifs.

ALSO also Angies character is in no way supposed to be dumb! She is just super impulsive and free spirited! She tends not to think before she does things. I do not want people to think she is dumb :(

Bubbly - Ethan PayneWhere stories live. Discover now