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   Hailey had woken up a few days after the pancake fiasco with an email from a "Joshua Bradley." Of course she knew who it was, she just had no idea why he would be emailing her. She quickly opened it.

I was going to make this email formal, but you're dating fucking Ethan so it doesn't matter. Anyway, the lads and I have been talking and we wanted to offer you a job as the head editor for the Sidemen and MoreSidemen channels. We understand that you edit for an abundance of creators in this platform, we will pay more than them all lol. Email me back soon with a response.

   Hailey could not help but laugh at the email. It was professional, but also personal and funny. Editing for the sidemen would definitely be fun and she would get to know Ethan's closest friends better, which is important. She continued to think about the pros and cons. The were a lot more positives then negatives, but the two negatives she could think of were big negatives.

   The first one was everyone she currently edited for, which was around thirteen people, would have to find new editors. She would not be able to keep her normal schedule with the sidemen on top. Hour long videos once a week and like three second channel videos is a lot.

   The other negative was her relationship. If her and Ethan were to break up, she would still work for him. She really liked Ethan, she may even be in love with him, but things can change easily. If she had to see his face everyday after breaking up with him she would probably go mad.

This could be a huge opportunity for her though. Editing for a massively popular YouTube channel that gets tens of millions of views is an amazing way to get her name out there. She sat at her kitchen table pondering for a while before deciding to text the group chat with the girls in it. They have not hung out in a while, but they still text each other everyday.

Lads! Lads! Lads!

Ladies I need advice

If your late on your
Period then you should
Definitely take a pregnancy
Even if you used a condom

The first your should be
You're babes

Freya that sounded like
You were talking from

Even though Im
Literally in my room
I am still here to help

Freya that's mad
Anyway I got an email today
From josh
I got offered a job to be head editor
For the sidemen and moresidemen

Tgats mental Hail!

Well I don't know if I
Should take it.
I would have to drop all my
(Including Talia)

Mate I don't care
I'll edit my own bloody
Videos if it mean you
Get to do what makes
You happy!

Talia I'm a simp for you

He told me he was goin
To do that! So proud of you
You better take it

If you don't email him right
Now I will start screaming

   Hailey laughed at Angie's response before typing out an email to Josh saying that she would take the job. She quickly called Ethan and Cal to let them know the good news, before she dialed her brother Thomas phone number. He was 14 and him and his mates were the biggest sidemen fans ever.

Hail what's up!

Okay so I actually have a lot to say
You know how I wouldn't tell you my boyfriend's name? Well it's Ethan and it just so happens that he's one of your favorite YouTubers

Hailey are you trying to tell me that your dating bloody Behzinga


   Hailey could hear Tom genuinely scream before asking her every question he could think of.

Is he as muscly in real life as he is on Instagram?

Tommy I'm not answering that what the hell.
Anyway bigger news!

What new could possibly be bigger than you dating a UK YouTube Star.

Maybe the fact that you are talking to the knew editor for the sidemen

Shut up oh my god
Hail I'm going to start hyperventilating

Tommy it's not that big of a deal

Shut up you arse
I've been hiding in the bathroom from my maths teacher while on this call.
I should go she might think I'm shitting

Bye tommy I try to get home to see you soon!

You're only allowed home if you bring Ethan with you

Hailey was sitting on the couch after the call ended scrolling through Twitter when Angie came running out of her room, "Hailey oh my god you'll never believe this!" She shouted.

Hailey laughed at her enthusiasm, "what happened?" She asked.

"Jj just asked me on a date! I didn't think anything was going to happen after we slept together. Oh my god. Does this mean I'm like super good at sex oh my god." She rambled.

"Ang I'm so happy for you! Also what a weird thing to say." Hailey laughed at her. "When is it." She asked.

"Tomorrow at six, oh my god what do I wear? I'll text him." Angie continued to ramble while Angie was talking Hailey was texting Ethan. She was in love with him. She had never really been in love before. After her parents divorce she had trouble believing it even existed, but after a long talk with Angie about her feelings she realized.

   "Okay so Jj told me to dress cute. What the fuck does that even mean? I could wear a bloody ball gown and look cute! I could wear joggers and a T-shirt and look cute! That doesn't narrow anything down at all because I always look cute!" She yelled.

   It took everything Hailey had in her not to laugh. "How about this, you give me Jj's number and I'll text him, ask what you guys are doing on he date, and then help you dress accordingly." She told her.

   "See this is why we are best friends! You're so smart!" Angie laughed and she texts Jj's phone number to Hailey.

I could have published this two days ago, but when I only had the last two lines of dialogue to type I decided I would finish it another day. I hope you all hate me!

Anyway I love you all and I hope your happy I didn't take like a month to update this time. This is kind of a filler, but I wanted to show that Hailey loved Ethan. I also wanted to introduce one of her brothers and Angie and Jj's relationship. I hope you all enjoyed!

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