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   "Cal I'm fine. It was just an asthma attack!" Hailey explained to her friend.

   "Hailey people die from asthma attacks at the time!" Cal exclaimed.

   "Cal, this used to happen all the time when I was little. I don't have a nebulizer here because I haven't had that much trouble in a while. It was a one time thing. You should go film with the guys." She told him.

   "The guys rescheduled to tomorrow for me. You need a good day of rest." Cal said as he picked up her legs. He sat down on the couch and then put them on his lap. "So what are we watching." He smiled. She rolled her eyes at him and put on Friends. As much as she complained, she really needed a friend.

   When Hailey explained what happened between her and Angela, Cal laughed. He couldn't help it. Angie was really dumb bringing home a cat.

   The two continued to watch Friends for hours. They came to the conclusion that Hailey was Monica and Cal was Joey. Cal had to leave around four because he had to help the other Cal with something. "I'm going to call Ethan to come hang out with you." He told her

   "Callum I do not need someone to babysit me! My breathing is fine, I'll survive." She exclaimed.

   "It's not your health I'm worried about Hails. I know you don't like to be alone, and you could really use some attention right now. Let me call Ethan. I don't want you to be sad." He said. Hailey hugged him tight. She was grateful for a friend like him.

   After Cal left it did not take long for Ethan to knock on the door. When Hailey opened it she realized her appearance. She had on a pair of black leggings, a cropped lavender tank top and a gray zip-up sweatshirt, with the zipper undone. Her hair was thrown up loosely with random prices out. She had on glasses and no makeup. "I have just realized how wretched I look oh my god." She laughed.

He looked at her for a second before saying, "I think you look beautiful." He said and hugged her, "you alright?"

"Yeah, you know just an asthma attack." She said casually.

"Jesus Hail. What happened? Why didn't you text me?" He asked, his voice full of worry.

"I didn't want to bother you. Angie and I got in a fight and Cal's my best friend. I just -I don't know." She sighed.

   "Well we are in a relationship, you would never bother me." He told her.

   She smiled, "oh like officially?" She asked.

   "If you would like to be." He said to her.

   "Let's watch a show boyfriend." She laughed and led him to the couch.

   The two sat there and watched a random Netflix show. Hailey was ecstatic to be finally dating Ethan. The two sat on the couch for hours watching horrible Netflix movies and eating Chinese food. It was late when Hailey got a call from Cal. Ethan was asleep, he was wrapped around her completely. She wiggled her way out and answered it.

"Cal it's late whats wrong?"

"It's Ang. She was hit
By a car. I was just
Called by her mum, you
Should get there as
Soon as you can,
I'm on my way

Oh fuck. Okay, oh my god.
I'll meet there holy shit.

   She walked over to Ethan and shook him awake. He sprung up, "what's happening? What's wrong?"

   "Angie was hit by a car, I have to go to the hospital right now." She told him as she threw on a pair of shoes. She was extremely worried. Cal had not told her if Angie was okay or how serve the whole thing was. Angie could be dead for all she knew.

   "I'll come with you." He got up and started to put on his shoes. He was not going let Hailey go to the hospital by herself in the state she was in.

Note: this is absolute trash. You guys deserve so much better. I'm honestly I'm super overwhelmed with homework rn. I'm like seven quizzes behind in chem because I don't understand what's going on in that class and it's honors level so I can't teach it to myself and I'm actually gonna fail I'm so stressed. Online school is so much worse then normal school. I put on like over ten pounds during this quarantine and I literally don't know what to do about it because I don't have any time to like work out and shit. I eat pretty healthy normally, so Idk why I'm gaining so much wait. I'm so unhappy with myself though. This quarantine may be the death of me LMAO.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy even though you deserve better.

The love on this book has been crazy thank you all so much :))

Also if you guys want to know anything about me ask away. Maybe answering some questions will make me feel less bad :)))

Love you all

Bubbly - Ethan PayneWhere stories live. Discover now