21) Training

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I walked inside of the Hufflepuff common rooms and an older girl named Katie walked over to me, "Luke wants to train you newbies for a bit. Just go outside to the lake and he'll handle everything else."

I nodded and left, letting Hogwarts guide me. I passed several people and smiled at all of them. Only a few smiled back.

I guess I should have been more prepared. I should've known that a lot of the Slytherins really did hate muggleborns. That included me.

And apparently Hermione. I guess she had been running up behind me to talk, and we had both been surrounded.

The Slytherins snickered and called us mudbloods.

Suddenly, one punched at me. I ducked and kicked my foot up, hitting the boy right in the stomach. He doubled over and the rest of the kids swarmed in on me.

I pushed Hermione out of the way as one Slytherin tackled me. I had the air knocked out of me. Someone kicked me in the side and I immediately held up to protect my face.

I curled up for a few seconds while Hermione screamed for help.

Then I grabbed the nearest kids leg, yanking him down with me. I pushed him into some of the other kids, knocking them over. One of the others tried to grab me, but I judo-flipped him right onto another boy.

I would have stood to defend myself more but McGonagall rounded the corner right then, so I let myself sit down. Hermione ran over to me, scanning me over.

"What in the heavens is happening? It sounded like a fight!" McGonagall had wide-eyes.

I winced and stood up, "They surrounded us, calling us mudbloods. Then one of them tried to punch me. I ended up getting them off once they were all around me, and here we are."

All of the Slytherins but one tried to deny it, "Mudblood deserved that punch. Only reason he was able to get us off was because he loves his muggle fighting."

The other boys tried to shush him but it was too late. McGonagall sighed, "Detention and 5 points taken from each Slytherin involved. Mr. Jackson, I believe you are supposed to go and meet Mr. Castellan right now. Get to it."

The boys all scowled and walked off, while I smiled at the Professor and turned to walk away when Hermione ran up to me, "I... that was awesome, Percy. And, I wanted to know, when will we be able to study together?"

I thought about it, "I'm out with Luke after classes for awhile, and I'm busy with him all day Saturday and Sunday, too. He won't keep us to early most nights, though. I can meet you in Gryffindor common room later?"

Hermione looked a little confused, "That's fine... but isn't it against the rules? And how will you even get in without a password?"

I nodded, "Yeah, it's against the rules. But it's not like I'm staying there instead of my own house. Just studying with you before it's bedtime. Except for Mondays and Thursdays. We're staying out later on those days. And I can get in, you don't need to worry about it."

Hermione looked a little nervous but nodded anyways. Then we split ways.

I walked down towards the lake and saw the rest of the demigods already training.

Luke smiled at me, "Aren't you punctual."

I glanced at the others, who were focused, and said, "I got held up by some of the other Slytherins. Sorry."

"It's fine. You can train with me. Draco is already trained in the basics. He's killing stuff at the edge of the forest," Luke said, grabbing a sword.

I pulled out mine, and he immediately lunged.

I ran on instincts, holding up my blade to block his. He was much stronger than me, so my arms shook painfully. Though my partner did look a little surprised.

He got my sword away from me after a few minutes, knocking it out of my hands and sending me to my knees.

We went like that for the rest of the day, him showing my tips and tricks the entire time. I once even got the sword away from him.

We walked up to the castle once it was dark out, but not time for lights out yet. We each went to our common rooms.

I walked inside of my room and touched the wall. Immediately, the wall slid open like a door. I grabbed all of my things and went through it.

The walls of Hogwarts were much quieter than the rest of her. She trusted us to see every bit of her, so I was here, hidden within the walls.

Hogwarts guided me, lead me towards the Gryffindor tower. I eventually found myself right above their common room.

Everyone except for any demigods were surprised when I dropped from the ceiling. Seamus and Neville glanced up, along with all of the other demigods in the room. Everyone else was very surprised.

"Hello," I said, glancing around. Then I looked to Hermione, "Shall we get to it, then?"

She nodded and smiled, leading me to a table in the back. There were several books on it and Hermione started asking me questions over what we've learned. I did my best to answer what I could remember the teacher saying audibly. I didn't do so good.

I did get every question right in potions though. That was awesome. Still my favorite class.

Eventually I had to leave for bed. I climbed back into the ceiling and started the long walk to my room.

I eventually got back and took a quick shower, falling on my bed right after.

I fell asleep and had a dream about Gabe with a face on the back of his head.

I put all of the chapters for this book on a google doc so I could transfer them over easier, and there are 112 pages. That's awesome. It's only the ones after chapter 20. Anywho, this book has over 500(!) reads! That is amazing! Also, things are going semi okay. My mom is perfectly fine. My grandpa is back home, though he did have a fever yesterday. They had to take some veins from his arms and legs and put them in his heart, but he's doing good. I've finished writing my 3 page research report on dream theory and interpretation (It sucks, btw) which is awesome. We're doing the Pythagorean theorem in math, and it's actually super easy. I've finished writing the second book, which is going to make my life so much easier for the third one. I'll be able to post from my phone. Also, I need a title name for the third book. I do something involving the story, like Mirror of Erised, or Heir of Slytherin. I'm thinking maybe the Hound of Hogwarts? I'm not sure. All in all, I've had a good day. I hope you guys have, too. 

Happy Monday, I will post again on Wednesday. 

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