31) The Invisibility Cloak

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Ron and Harry didn't really bother with the search for Flamel. They seemed too happy to do it. They ate a ton of food, had the dorms to themselves, all sorts of stuff.

Of course, I was mostly alone in the Hufflepuff common rooms, too. There were, like, 5 kids there. Including me.

So I ended up alone in the library.

I held a book in front of me, watching the words swim around wildly, and I hit myself in the head with it.

"What are you doing?!" Madam Prince snatched the book from my hands and examined the pages, checking for any damage.

"Sorry, just getting frustrated. I have dyslexia. Reading isn't exactly fun for me," I said, awkwardly looking up at her.

"Oh! You should check the Greek section. It's in the restricted area, but you're cleared to go in there," Madam Pince smiled and placed the book back on its shelf.

I nodded and walked into the restricted section of the library. I could see Greek titles.

I grabbed one titled, Magical Finds of the Twentieth Century.

I read it. I found nothing. Eventually I stopped with the non-fiction books, and found myself reading fiction books. I loved it. I checked several out and left the library.

I found myself sitting in the Gryffindor common room, reading a book while Harry and Ron played wizards chess.

Eventually Harry got bored and I switched places with him. Both of the boys were surprised when I beat Ron with ease.

I'd spent the night with Harry and Ron, after getting permission from Professor McGonagall of course, on Christmas Eve. I was ready for the feast tomorrow, but didn't expect to get any presents.

I was surprised to get presents.

The small pile of presents sitting at the foot of Neville's bed, which I had slept in during the night, were the first thing I saw.

"Merry Christmas," Ron said sleepily to us as we Harry pulled on his bathrobe and I sat on the ground beside my presents.

"You, too," Harry said. "Will you look at this? I've got some presents!"

"What did you expect, turnips?" Ron said, looking at his much larger pile of presents.

I opened the first package, which was from Hagrid. He had given me a carving of a dragon, which had a lot of detail put into it. Harry had gotten a flute, which I immediately knew the use for. Fluffy was put to sleep by music. I know Hagrid had seen my drawings of my dreams, and I figure at least one of them has something to do with what's beneath the trapdoor. He might as well give us the flute.

I smiled happily at that and turned to the next present. Harry and Ron both had very similar ones.

Harry said, "Hagrid and my aunt and uncle — so who sent these?"

Ron pointed to the lumpy present and blushed slightly, "I think I know who that one's from. My mom. I told her you guys didn't expect any presents and — oh, no. She's made you a Weasley sweater."

I opened the packaging and found a hand-made black sweater with a sea-green P and a tub of cookies. Harry's was emerald green, like his eyes.

"Every year she makes us a sweater," said Ron, unwrapping his own, "and mines always maroon."

"That's very nice of her," Harry said, while trying the fudge he had been sent. I set the warm sweater aside so I could put it on when I was getting dressed.

Hermione had gotten me a large thing of blue candy rats. I'd gotten her a book. It had been something I thought she'd like, talking about the science behind magic. It talked freely about the gods, which was something she was unable to find.

I had a few presents left. Draco had gotten me a dagger, which really freaked Ron and Harry out. I would keep it on me at all times. Neville had sent me a small plant, and so had Katie Gardner. They were siblings, after all. Luke had accidentally gotten Socks killed awhile back, which was something I'd rather not talk about, and sent me a picture of me that had the once living cat in it. That was all, and it was still one of the best Christmases I've ever had.

Harry opened his last present, which was lumpy like the sweaters had been. He pulled out a piece of long, silvery cloth. It could probably cover 4, maybe 5, of us. But not when we were older.

Ron gasped, "I've heard of those. If that's what I think it is — they're really rare, and really valuable."

"What is it?" Harry picked it up off of the ground.

"It's an Invisibility Cloak," Ron said, amazed. "I'm sure it is — try it on."

Harry threw the cloak around his shoulders and my eyes immediately widened.

"It is! Look down!" I shouted.

Harry looked down at his feet and immediately ran over to the mirror. He stared in awe at his own floating head.

"There's a note! A note fell out of it." Ron said, suddenly.

Harry slipped the cloak off and read the note aloud for us:

Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you.

Use it well.

A very merry Christmas to you.

"I'd give anything for one of these," Ron said, admiring the cloak. "Anything. What's the matter?"

Harry had a weird look on his face. Curiously, sadness, nervousness, and wonder all balled up into one scrunched up face. I could imagine. Who was it from? His father's?

"Nothing," Harry said.

Would you want a Weasley sweater? I would love a Weasley sweater. Mine would be green with a big blue C in the middle. Or maybe purple. Anything but pink or red. Those are my least favorite colors. Pink is just so... pink. Red is such a violent color. I like it for the Razorbacks, but otherwise it's just so angry. Don't like angry.

Stay happy. Next chapter will be up on Tuesday.

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