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"Let's get down to business, to defeat - The Huns..."

"Did they send me daughters, when I asked, for sons?!?" Luke and I roared along with the movie.

Luke turned to me very suddenly, surprise clear on his face, "You can sing!"

I blushed, "Li Shang can sing. I can sing along."

Luke shook his head, "No, you put him to shame. You put Mulan to shame. Apollo would be jealous."

"No one can out sing Mulan," I said, grinning.

Luke shook his head again, "Since when could you sing?"

"I dunno. Since forever? My mom used to sing a lot, before she lost her hearing. I sung at the talent shows. And radio music. Oh, also, I sang Barbie Girl to Fluffy. That worked," I said, trying to think of all the times I had really sung before.

"You sung Barbie Girl to a child of Cerberus?!?" Luke exclaimed.

"Out of panic, yeah," I nodded, glancing down at the scar on my arm. I had gotten it that night.

Luke just stared at me, "You're a different kind of breed, Percy Jackson."

"Says the one who made an 11 year old watch Mulan with you. You're also on the couch, in your Batman undies, eating your fifth fudge bar."

Luke pouted, "There is nothing wrong with my Batman undies, alright? And fudge bars taste good. Plus, that's your tenth pickle."

"I like pickles!"

"I like you!" Luke said, wrapping me in an exaggerated hug, kissing the top of my head sarcastically.

"I love you," I mumbled, burying my head in his chest.

Luke calmed his hug down and held me like a normal person, "I love you too, Perce."

This life was a lot better than the one I had lived before.

This is it. The first book is finished. I'll post a thing on here for when I publish the first five chapters of the second book so you'll know when it's up.

I just want to thank you all for reading this story. It really does mean so much to me. I've felt so much more confident lately, seeing how many people have read this. It's amazing. So thank you, to everyone.

Also, why did no one tell me I've been spelling 'led' wrong this entire time? I've written three books spelling this word wrong and no one mentioned a thing. I love you all, but you're possibly the most evil thing in existence.

Percy Jackson and the Mirror of ErisedWhere stories live. Discover now