c h a p t e r, t w o.

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"So," April drags out the two letter word, "What do you think about him?" She beams.

I chuckle softly as we wash the dishes, yeah, the cooking she didn't want help with but the damn dishes she does.

"He's very nice, handsome too." I wink at her and she immediately blushes.

April herself was a stunner with her long brunette locks that reached her mid-back, her bright blue eyes and her porcelain skin. Her blue eyes were locked on my hazel ones and I tried to turn away from them but couldn't.

She smiled brightly at me, "I knew you'd love him!"

I laughed lightly at her words shaking my head ever so slightly, "How did you two meet again?"

"I knew you weren't listening to me." I wave my hand at her and she beamed before beginning the story.

They met at the petrol station, she was fighting the attendant because he had poured R10 more petrol than she had asked for. So, in walks Aaron he cut in and asked what the matter was, after hearing it and probably pulling a very judgmental face because I mean... it is only R10.

He pulled the green note from his back pocket and handed it to the man. He then began to walk away, April handed the attendant her card for him to take the remainder as she stalked after Aaron.

She questioned him and once she had he told her she was making a scene that was uncalled for. The machine does run quite quickly, it's a simple mistake. She didn't take very well proceeding to point a finger in his face whilst speaking wildly.

He quirked a brow and told her to put the finger down, she doesn't need to cause another scene. All she has to do is "say thank you," even as she relays the story I see the fury in her eyes as she repeats those words.

She's about to really yell at him when the attendant asks for her PIN number. She took the machine and typed it in, muttering that he could've just tapped it. Hearing this Aaron commented that she's quite the complainer.

I can already tell that's what drew him in, if it wasn't her looks first and her feistiness second it was definitely the third — her complaining. Weirdly enough Aaron finds women's ability to complain about just about anything so so fascinating.

Their were several times in our friendship whereby he would put me in situations just to hear me 'find a way to complain' about something. His dedication to the cause was my fascination.

Anyway, April then went on to give the attendant back his machine. She gave Aaron one last eye roll before she started making her way back to her car, this time he followed her. He leaned against her door once she opened it and asked for her number, when she tried to tell him to bugger off she says only then did she drink him in.

Honestly, can't believe it took her that long. Aaron was gorgeous from all angles, nothing makes him look bad. Bad lighting, pitch darkness, either side of his face or even a bad fucking hair cut. Nothing. His jawline and eyes always give him a win and now, now he has facial hair too.

I listen to her talk about how she wanted him to bend her over right there and then, so obviously she fussed a little more for theatrical reasons but soon she typed in the ten digits.

And so they became.

"Wild, huh?"

I laugh, "It sounds every bit like you."

She smirked before pulling out the plug and draining the water, I took that as my que. it was time for me to head home, my parents were actually home and my mom was renowned for locking the gate at telling me to 'go back to where you came from.' Even if it was April's so I showed my myself out and walked down the street, crossed it after four houses then popped into mine.

I was born to a Black mother and Coloured father. Adopting quite a lot from both parents, my skin reminiscent of gingerbread. Type 4A hair and my fathers hazel-green eyes. My frame stuck between their two with my father being quite a tall man and my mother relatively short. Exceptionally so compared to my father though.

Tossing myself on my bed I wallowed in my self pity, what twisted world was I living in?

I grab my phone and scroll through the contacts, it doesn't take long at all for me to see Aaron's. Was this still his number? Did he still have mine?

I shake my head and turn on my tv, settling on binging the next season of Dynasty. When my alarm sounds I find the tv off and myself under the covers, either my brother or my father put me under.

I roll out of bed, brush my teeth and tie up my hair. I put my gym clothes and trainers on being taking my morning jog. I stop at the gym and head inside, I workout finally being able to release my frustration. Just as I land my final kick on the punching bag I hear, "Well, you've gotten better at that."

My heart sinks, it's him.

"You lost the privilege of knowing me, so get back to whatever it is you were doing." I pick up my stuff just as I'm about to side step him he grabs my forearm.

"Zoe —"

I snap, "There's a goddamn y at the end, it's Zoey not fucking Zow."

He covers up his shock, "It never bothered you before."

"Yeah well, that was before you left."

I snatch my hand out of his grasp and storm off, I can feel his eyes all over me. As though he has laser vision, I feel it travel down my toned back, my firm full ass and down my legs before they linger on my ass again. I turn and flip him off my face surely displaying my disgust but he just laughs it off, "I can't help it." He shouts.

I really make sure I disappear this time, my heart racing. He said that to me every single time I ever caught him staring at my ass and even that night when he caressed it while ramming into me. Goodness, I need to get over that night.

I jog back home and take a shower as soon as I'm in my room, when I step out the steam flowing into my room and out the bathroom window. I walk over to my bed and take my time, scrolling through my socials. My brother taps on the door before allowing himself in.

I smile over at him, "Hey, Zeus."

He returns the smile and the greeting, laying beside me and muttering, "I heard Aaron's back."

I groan, "He is."

"Does April know that's him?"

I shake my head, "Don't even think she remembers I had a friend called Aaron who 'nearly took her place.'" I add the air quotes as I repeat her words from a year ago.

He chuckles, "You should tell her."

I glare at him as though he's grown a second head, "Why would I do that?"

He shrugs, "I thought you girls were not about sharing men."

I cringe, "I did not need that visual, Zeus, thanks so much. Goodness."

Hey guys, thoughts on the characters so far?

Reminder: I am South African and so is the context of this book. Coloured is a race here, not a slur.

Follow my IG & Twitter for all the updates, images and chats! — mbaliitheauthor


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