c h a p t e r, e l e v e n.

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"So, you're coming along, right?" April asks as she walks into my apartment.

I shut the door and follow her footsteps to the couch, "I'm splendid, thanks for asking. How are you?"

The eyes roll before her feet get tucked under her bum as she begins flipping through channels, "I'm actually on edge, so answer the damn question."

"No, I'm not." I shake my head slowly.

It would be the worst mistake of my life, staying in a house with Aaron? My resolve would crack, I couldn't possibly take the risk.

Maybe it isn't too late to tell her about Aaron, maybe if I just come clean all will be well and all will be forgiven. I should've listened to Zeus sooner but this is better than nothing.

"Actually, —"

She drops the remote, "Are you fucking kidding!? Zoey, I need you! I'll literally pay you to come, whatever you would earn in those two months, I'll pay —"

"Are you being serious right now? I don't need you to fucking pay me, what the hell? I just can't go, April. I'm sorry but I can't."

She throws her head back as though preparing herself to yell, "Why not!?" She whines, "Please, I at the very least deserve that, don't I?"

"No, you said you'll pay me to come. That's hella rude, so you actually don't deserve to know."

She huffs in annoyance, "Is it also rude to kick you out of my house?"

"Definitely," I nod.

"Dammit," She hisses.

We spend the remainder of the day lounging around, laughing and making fun of television shows as though nothing had transpired. As though I'm not riddled with guilt and she's not peaked in anxiousness.

When it comes time to leave, I don't. My guilt deepening as I lay by her side facing the opposite direction. We've slept in the same bed countless times but I've never had a huge secret looming over me before.

Maybe if I say the words aloud with her right here a weight will disappear from my shoulders. That's stupid, but it's worth the shot... right?

Clearing my throat, I whisper, "April?"

No response.

"I need to tell you something," I continue, "April?" I check one more time and my ears are met with silence once more.

Lower than I ever thought possible I run through the sentence, "I drunkenly kissed Aaron the other night, I'm sorry." I shut my eyes as tight as humanly possible waiting for an explosion I know will never come from the dead asleep petite brunette beside me.

"I'm sorry." I say louder and I no longer know if that's an apology for something that's yet to come or for the drunken kiss I suddenly wished was longer.

Slippers dragging across the tiled floor wake me before her voice does, "Wake up jac-o-lantern, I've made breakfast and you're gonna let it go cold laying here when we could be devouring it."

She huffs before I hear her pick something up, once the object connects with my cheek I realise I've been whacked with a pillow, "Bitch! Get up!"

I pull the pillow from the other side of the bed and whack her without opening an eye, "That wasn't necessary, you cunt."

"Ow!" She lightly shoves me, "I didn't hit you that hard, Zoey, what the hell!?"

"What on earth is taking you so long? Just wake the girl up, April." Aaron's voice enters the room as I assume, he saunters in looking as amazingly drop dead gorgeous as he always does.

My body still as the pillow slips out my hand, oh my god, he's here. Why is he here? Did they spend this much time together when they were... you know, together? I don't freaking recall him always being around before, what the hell kind of sick joke is this?

I wish I was able to get him or the thought of kissing him out of my mind but I can't. All I can think about, is having a do over of that kiss. One that I'd remember, what was the point of it if I couldn't savour it?

And I need to remember it in order to do that, therefore, I need a re-do but I need to respect my best friend more.

"What do you want, Aaron. That food's mine, so it can't be for that."

April rolls her eyes, "He thinks he freaking lives here, just showing up at my door." He looks over at her before chuckling, "Just get up, Jones," His eyes meet mine, "It's genuinely going to get cold."

"Probably is by now," April mutters as she turns, "Whatever, it's your stomach not mine." She waves a dismissive hand and exists the bedroom.

"Are microwaves from the future or something?" I roll my eyes as April yells, "I heard that!"

"You were supposed to!" I yell back, my eyes drift to Aaron who's leaning against the doorframe. His eyes never wavering as they stare me down, "What?"

"I'm here to see you, I know you've been avoiding me. So when I couldn't find you at yours, I knew you'd be here."

He slowly begins to make his way towards me, before placing a knee on the bed and a finger under my chin, raising my head ever so slowly as he whispers, "Why have you been ignoring me, love?"

His thumb traces my bottom lip before he lightly pulls it down, "Let me kiss you." His hand caresses my cheek as the other hesitantly moves to my neck.

The words hang in the air before I fully comprehend them, "What? No!" I try to swat his hand away but he grabs it before I can.

He laces our fingers as his eyes continue to stare into mine.

They haven't moved since he was at the door.

"I need you, Zoe and I don't just mean sexually." His voice has gone considerably low and the sound alone could make moisture start to form.

"Aaron," the name slips out more like a low moan and his eyes shut.

"Fuck," he moves his hand to the back of mine as he guides my hand to his abdomen before sliding it lower.

Once my hand reaches its destination he doesn't have to do much more before I'm stroking him through his sweatpants.

Just. One. Moan and I might completely lose it. If he just —

"Are you two fucking kidding me!?" My eyes burst open and I'm immediately on the other end of the bed with my hands on my chest, my heart is erattic.

My head snaps towards the doorframe and I'm practically feeling lightheaded with how fast I've moved in just a few seconds.

April continues, "I know microwaves exist but that doesn't mean you should take so damn long! You can't seriously be bickering for ten minutes! Get your asses here right now, I put so much effort into this gosh damn food, you're going to eat it!"

I jump out of the bed, my heart is still beating frantically in my chest as I try to make it into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Zoe," I glance at him, "Let me come later."

My eyes widen did he seriously just say what I think he just said? He must've realised where my train of thought was because he smiled, a light laughing escaping his kiss-me-now lips, "Not c u m, Zoe, let me come over. Please."

My eyes glance to the doorway, "Well, I've gotta brush my teeth first," I yell out to April before my eyes meet his again,



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