c h a p t e r, f i f t e e n.

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I finally get to dress once I make sure Aaron is equally satisfied. My bottom lip sits underneath my top row of teeth as I glance at the specimen dressing a few feet away from me.

Goodness, I must look like a Lioness preying on a baby Buffalo but I can't help it. He turns towards me and chuckles, "It's only day one, Zoe, you need to stop looking at me like that or we won't make it out of here without you needing assistance walking. Your choice." He shrugs as he buttons the last button on his shirt. His chest in full display.

Blue khaki shorts contrasting his white shirt with multiple tiny blue feathers on it. He pairs them with white All Stars and it should look a little off but it just looks oh-so-right to me, right enough to rip off him so I can get on top of him.

"Dammit, Zoe." His voice strains when my name slips through.

I groan before ripping my eyes off him, "Stop acting like you can read my mind!"

He laughs, "Stop looking at me in the most sexually obvious ways." He counters, "Damn, if I knew a getaway was all it took to have you show me just how much you want me I might've done so from the get go."

I can't help but laugh at his words, I can't believe how elevated my lust has become. He's right, it's only day one and I'm practically a puddle for him. How am I going to make it? Do I even want to at this point, do I care to?

I've done so much to protect April and to make her happy, wouldn't she want me to be happy? Can I be?

For this first time a thought that should've made it's way to me forever ago finally does — he's slept with her, he's been inside of her, oh gosh, he's eaten her out just as he did me.

She's given him head.

Suddenly swallowing is something I regret having done. I hustle to the kitchen in a hurry and chug down two glasses of water.

Oh my god.

"What's the matter?" He asks gently as he approaches me, "Zoey, are you crying? Woah, what? What's going on?"

I take a step back, "Don't touch me, don't freaking touch me." My hands push my curls back as I walk past him to pace behind the counter as he stands on the other side, still inside the kitchen.

"Zoe? Is it what just happened, do you regret it? I don't understand, what's going on?" He makes a move to come towards me again even though I can see the hurt all over his face.

"You stay right there, I can't... I can't have you touch me right now." I sigh, "I'm being dramatic, I'm being dramatic. Just let me sort it out —"

He shakes his head, "Lemme help you, please," His eyes are pleading, "I want to help."

That first heaving sigh thick with a cry escapes, "You slept with her, you did all that," I point to the bedroom, "With her." The tears roll as my back slacks and I just want to collapse into a ball.

I'm not a crier, it's fine and dandy if you are but I'm not, so I must be PMS'ing. This shouldn't make me want to cry, what the hell?

I breath in before my chest pumps out again and the tears tumble faster for that brief moment, "I can't stop thinking about it suddenly. How... how can I continue when I know she's had you in the exact same way? My god, you're going to use what she liked and what she further improved on me." I shake my head.

I hate to speak of her this way, I hate to speak of my best friend as if she's some random girl but I can't stop. She seems like the other woman to me right now.

I should've stopped it, I should've come clean — if for any reason for this. So that I don't have to feel so repulsed.

He hasn't made a move nor a sound since I've spoken. He just stares at the floor, the pain on his face replaced with regret.

"I... I don't know what to say, I don't know what you want to hear. I don't... what will make it better? I'll tell you anything, I'll do anything. I... Zoey, please. I'm sorry."

Hearing the apology just makes me want to cry harder, he shouldn't be apologising for this. Goodness, we shouldn't even be worried about anything right now. I'm ruining the entire trip, I'm ruining everything.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm overreacting... I..." I forcefully wipe the tears, "I'm okay, I'm just going to go get some air." I don't wait for a response as I slip out the door faster than lightning.

I make my way to the stairwell clearly wanting to take as long as possible and maybe also preventing him from coming after me because I doubt he'll think I took the stairs.

I make it down maybe three flights of stairs before I give up, just sitting on the stairs with my head in my hands and my elbows on my knees.

Why can't I get through a day without completely ruining everything? He must think I'm an absolute egg, who even cares about things like that? Why am I making it a big deal?

I wanted to let out a frustrated yell but had to rail in my frustration, it would be completely inappropriate to just scream in a stairwell. Everyone would hear me and that would cause a frenzy.

Instead I pull out my phone and click on "phone" my recent call log immediately opening up. My finger races down to click the name right up top but I immediately stop myself.

Oh my god. I can't even call my best friend and tell her my predicament because... she is the predicament.

I drop the phone between my legs on the stair and laugh. A wholehearted, probably partly disturbing, laugh escapes me as I uncomfortably lay backwards on the staircase and just wallow in my own self pity.

The click of one of the doors opening sounds and I'm instantly to my feet, my arms hurriedly grabbing my phone before I'm walking towards the door closest to me.

"Zoe, I can see you, stop."

I curse silently just as my hand had reached the handle, maybe I could just keep going down? Yeah, let's do that.

"Goddammit, Zoe, stop it!"

I take the stairs two at a time, surprisingly a smile making its way onto my face the faster I went. Eventually I'm a fit of giggles as my pace slows, my stomach aching, begging me to stop and that I do.

Tears are fogging my vision as I turn to see how close he is, laughter still escaping me. Why am I running? I've gone this far, I've done this much, I've run past the line of decency. Through the line of girl code, pretty much smashed that one. Why the fuck am I still trying to find yet another reason, yet another thing to keep me away from this man who I so desperately want?

So desperately yearn for, a man I know I want with every inch of my being. I wipe my eyes clearing the foggy gaze and just as I do, he's practically behind me.

His face a raging inferno, his eyes a wild forest etched with more rage but I know the rage is hardly completely directed at me.

"Zoey, you could've hurt yourself moving like that! Why couldn't you just hold up for a moment, my god, you scared the shit out of me. What would I have done, said to everyone if you had gotten hurt? And not to mention, why on this green earth are you running!?" He finally takes his last step and I take fast strides towards him.

"You need to shut up and kiss me." I place my hand behind his neck and bring him down to my level as my head glances up. My eyes shutting immediately as I see him comply.

Our lips meet and I know this is all worth it, he is worth it and there's nothing I would rather do than be with this man. I will no longer be a barrier between us, between our happiness.

I'll leave the great looming 'reveal' for that, until then — I will no longer deny myself the delicacy that is Aaron damn Wells.

I've been missing, I know, I deeply apologise. I have absolutely no excuse. Please don't hate me and please take this sweet ending as a sorry. 🤍

Yes. Zoey will no longer start up fights. I was so scared with the beginning of this chapter bc I was starting to think she's irrational.
But tbh I'd care if a guy had smashed my best friend or anyone I know, is that odd? Idk, how do you feel about that kinda stuff?

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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