c h a p t e r, e i g h t.

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By the time the clock struck ten I was a little more than exhausted so I set out in search of Aaron, I needed to go home.

"April!" She turned still way more buzzed than I was, at this point I had exhausted the buzz and jumped straight to the exhaustion, "Where's your brother?"

She swished her head left and right before she shrugged, "I haven't the slightest clue."

Just as I turn to go search for him elsewhere I hear April speak up, "Oh! There he is!" She points across to pool, he seems to be on the phone.

I smile at her, "How can you see so well in your state?"

She shrugs but I just kiss her cheek before telling her that I'm leaving now and Aaron is my ride since he brought me. She nods and tells me to text her when I arrive.

When I'm prepared to make my way to Aaron, once wishing the couple the best again and saying my goodbyes. Aaron has already made it around the pool, fast approaching me. Surprisingly I smile warmly at him, "Are you still tipsy?" Are his first words to me.

I chuckle, "Kind of but not really, what I am is tired. If you do not mind I'd love to go home please."

He nods his head, "Lemme say bye to my dad and Monica, April too." He hands me his card for the velvet and I walk out of the house.

Yes, they got an entire velvet system to come to their home and deal with the cars. Where they were going was beyond me and I thought the Blyde's were rich but it seemed the Wells' were rich rich. Imagine all that money combined.

I was rich too, I suppose but I still ran my own social media companies and did my bit where I could to generate my own income. Living off my parents isn't something I want to do, April too so we have money to fall back on but we still push our own brands.

I smiled and said my thanks when the car door was opened, "Oh, thanks but I'm going 'round," I point at the passenger side, "My... friend is driving."

The man nods before making an attempt to round the car so that he could open the door, however Aaron held him back.

"It's cool my man, I got it. Thanks." He then rounded the car and opened it for me, I slipped inside and buckled the seatbelt, "Thanks." He shut the door before making his way to the drivers seat.

Aaron started the car and we headed towards my apartment building, my eyes were beginning to droop now that I was in the moving vehicle. I figured he'd wake me when we arrived so I shut my eyes feeling peaceful with the slight pitter patter of the drizzle landing on the car and the hum of the radio.

I heard hushed voices the next time my ears decided to pick up vibrations but I didn't bother my eyes wirh opening. I just moved closer to the warmth and hummed in appreciation.

Only when I heard the distinct sound of a door opening did I shoot my eyes open, how had I exited the car? My eyes landed on Daryl who had just opened my front door, and I was being carried by Aaron.

Daryl raised his brow at me discreetly before sauntering off, I stir a little so that Aaron knows I'm awake and he places me down gently on the couch.

I pout slightly not expecting him to see the action as I turn my head the other way staring at the couch, "What is it?" He has an amused smile playing on his lips. His green orbs swirling with mischief.

"I thought at the very least you'd put me in my bed." Was I intoxicated all over again? What the hell is going on here?

He laughs before moving to shut the door, I take note that he locks it too. He makes his way towards me and scoops me up again, I let out a little yelp that tumbled into a giggle and I know for sure when that sound escapes me the alcohol is not out my system.

"Someone is clearly still tipsy," He comments, having heard the giggle too.

I shrug, "Stop acting like you know me so well, it's lame."

"Lame?" He rolls his eyes, "I do know you though." He places me on my bed once I've directed him to it with my finger.

He moves his hands to my hair and he undoes the bun, my hair falling about haphazardly, he smiles when it lands all around my head. His hand begins to play with the locks, "It's not like I suddenly forgot about you, Zoe."

"Yeah, it is. You left and never spoke a word to me until that evening."

"Do you know how hard it was to do that?"

I sit up straight so our faces are inches from each other, "Well do you know how shitty it was to be me? To be someone who had to roll over the next day to an empty bed! No explanation, no missed calls, texts, absolutely nothing and not only that but you completely vanish!"

He can't hold my stare, instead he moves a little further back but this only seems to anger me more. I grab behind his neck and just as I do some spark flashes in his eyes before does the same and next thing my lips are on his.

I crawl so that I'm closer to him but it's not enough, he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. My hands immediately run through his hair as he hitches up dress and starts to feel my ass. I hear him groan when he feels that I'm not wearing any panties.

Soon his erection is pressed to my stomach and I nearly lose it, wanting to feel it in the flesh once more. He pulls back shaking his head, "No, Zoe. You're not sober and I can't... I won't, not even with how badly I want you, fucking hell Zoe this is the second time I have your wetness drenching my pants. I swear, the next time it happens — I'm fucking you."

I scramble off of him his words releasing me from the lustful trance I was in. The words washing over me like a cold shower.

"I shouldn't have done that." I say, my hand moving to brush my lips, "I shouldn't have done that." Tears begin to well in my eyes.

Why'd I kiss him? I went from angry to pure lustful in the blink of an eye. What the hell is wrong with me? It's Aaron, "You need to leave."

He rises to his feet as he attempts to approach me, I outstretch my hand as a signal and he stops. Shaking my head a tale another step back, "Don't you dare come near me."

"Zoe, I'm sorry —"

I narrow my eyes at him, "You said so yourself, there aren't enough sorry's you could ever say. You fucked up Aaron, you really did. You completely destroyed me then you dated my best friend —"

"You can't use that against me, I didn't know. I did not know and once I did it was you who said I should pretend I never knew you. And I did... until I couldn't."

I opened my mouth to fight but he simply held up his hand as a signal, "Now isn't the time to have this conversation, Zoe. You'll hardly remember it in the morning and I'll be the only one stuck with all of this..." He trailed off.

He moves in the direction of the adjoining bathroom, "I'm going to run you a bath, you think you can slip out of that just fine?"

I stay silent as I simply bob my head up and down, letting him know I was okay.

Resisting Aaron WellsWhere stories live. Discover now