c h a p t e r, f o u r t e e n.

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Rating: S for Sexy Time.

Zeus sits across from me, his face glistening in the golden hour sun. Even though only half of his face shines like a glazed chocolate cake. His jawline slicing through the sun rays.

"So you aren't going to the beach house?" He questions before taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

I sip my coffee and shake my head, "Definitely not, I've decided I might as well just wait it out, y'know? There's no reason to tell April everything now before the wedding. It'll ruin everything, so I just have to wait it out and the best way to do so is to not go. Nothing more can happen if I don't." I shrug.

He nods his head, "Sound-ish logic, I just can't believe that she let you stay."

I let out a laugh, "Honestly, I can't believe it either."

Our conversations move forth, moving from all sorts of things. Golden hour coming and completely going. We walk out with arms looped towards his car, as we walk I feel the same thankfulness I do each catch up session.

Just so thankful to my parents for giving me a lifetime friend.

Stepping into the car he drops me off before taking off towards his own home. I enter the building greeting Daryl before I step into the elevator, pressing on my floor as I lay my head on the wall. I watch the numbers rise as the elevator reaches new heights.

A sigh slips me as the doors slide open, my eyes pick up as my head does too. This time a gasp leaves my lips, I look behind me as if there could possibly be something there besides the mirrored wall.

I turn back around and despite my knee jerk reaction — which would be to yell that April could miraculously appear — I run... towards him. He hasn't seen me until it's too late, I don't know what I thought was going to happen but I'm sure to someone watching it looked as though I tackled him.

As soon as I heard his back impact with the ground my laugh echoed on the hallway, quickly followed by my own thump. My body colliding with his, "Oh my god, Zoey," he groaned before his laughter echoed alongside mine.

"Let's get inside before the other tenets start coming out." I speak between laughter.

We get to our feet and I immediately start searching for my keys in my bag, pulling them out I unlock the door. We step inside and I smile at him as he sits on my couch, "What brings you here?"

He shrugs his shoulders before his eyes glance at a bag sitting at his feet that I never saw before, my brow rises, "Aaron?"

His right hand begins rubbing his neck, "Uhm... I... Ah..." I wait patiently for him to form a cohesive sentence. His nervousness coming across nothing short of adorable to me.

"Well, I thought we could go somewhere for this week. At first I... Ah... I thought I could just, uhm, stay here for the week but," His hand finds the back of his neck again, "April probably has a key to this apartment so I figured that was a bust. So, why not go to a, ah, hotel?"

He pulls out a pamphlet and places it on the far end of the sofa, close to me. Sliding it so that I actually make a move to grab it, his entire torso is now on the couch as he slides it. I pick it up just as he gets to the edge of the couch.

I glance at it briefly before clearing my throat, "Aaron..."

Now his hand finds his curls, "I know, I know, Zoe but I also know you want this too."

"Besides that, you know how horrible it will be when we finally tell April the truth and we have to tell her that we spent a week away right before the beach house?" I shake my head, my untied curls swishing with the movement, "No."

Resisting Aaron WellsWhere stories live. Discover now