c h a p t e r, s e v e n.

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"So you had your brother make me his plus one?"

April visibly freezes before she smiles broadly, "I'm sorry, I had completely forgotten. Please, he's not that bad — he said you two had a good time when he asked you."

I look at her moving about on the other end of my phones screen, I had decided to FaceTime her just so she could be a little scared of me.

I give her a death glare just to play with her one last time, "Zoey, I know —"

"It's fine, April... He isn't that bad after all."

Her eyes double is size as she stares in shock, "Come again?"

I shake my head, "Nope, nope, nopity, nope, nope, it's gone with the wind. If you missed it, you missed it. Not much I can do about it." I lift my one shoulder in an attempt to show her my shrug.

She laughs a little, "Well, my only ask is that you two don't kill each other. Please." She gives me a blur of the area before flipping the screen back to her face, "As you could see my mom and I worked very hard."

I laugh and she joins in knowing damn well that I did not see a thing, "Why was your mom helping? Shouldn't it be a surprise?"

She gave me a bored look, "I know you've met my mother."

Monica Blyde was by all means a hands-on perfectionist, there is nothing that her name was slapped on that she wouldn't assist with and take over. No matter how big or small, she would get involved.

So in hindsight perhaps my question was a little stupid, "Wow, I didn't think she'd take over this too."

April shook her head, "Monica Blyde would take over the world if she could. Anyway, I've got a few more things to wrap up before I hit the sack. Goodnight my dear one, I will see you tomorrow!" She chirps.

I playfully salute her and say my goodnight before hanging up the call. Placing my phone on the nightstand before I shut my eyes and rest.

It's morning sooner than I would've like but I roll out of bed nonetheless. Getting prepped and ready for the day, I step out of the bathroom and walk into my closet. I glance around trying to figure out how exactly I wanted to dress later, would I wear a really formal dress or just a fitted pretty dress.

I settle on a fitted light grey almost white dress, it would definitely hug my curves perfectly. I place it on the bed before I make my way to the kitchen, still only wrapped in my light gown.

I make myself some bacon, eggs and toast before mixing up some coffee and sitting on my chairs. I eat and go through my emails before watching a YouTube video on my iPad.

Once done I wash all my dishes and set off to my room to start getting ready. I start with my hair, getting it into a sleek high bun, making sure all my curls were carefully tucked away.

Proceeded to lay my edges then get to work on my make-up, going for a simple look with no shadow. Fixed up my lashes, taking note that I need to go back for another appointment and rubbed on some gloss.

I slipped into my dress and made my way to my closet again to slip on white strapped heels. I clipped on large gold earrings and put some stuff in a bag, just as I was looking for the very gloss I had just used my phone rang.

I accept the call, still looking around for the lipgloss, "Hey Aaron, I'm almost done. I'm just looking for my lipgloss, I literally just used it but I have no clue where I put it afterwards."

I hear him chuckle, "What did you do after putting it on?"

"I put on my dress," He speaks up as soon as I'm done, "Well then, look under the robe or towel."

I move to pick my robe up from the bed and there drops the gloss, landing on the soft carpet that is under my bed stopping right before where the beside table is situated.

"Ah, found it. Thanks!" I beam, tucking it into my bag, "Yes, sorry, you've got my full attention now — what's happening?"

"I'm waiting for you downstairs."

I lightly chew on the inside of my cheek, "Oh," He quickly speaks again, "I'm sorry if you'd prefer to go on your own that's alright."

I shake my head absentmindedly, "It's okay, I'll be right down."

I make my way out my apartment, shutting the door and locking it before I enter the elevator. Exiting at the lobby and greeting Daryl, I walk out into the late afternoon air. Aaron is leaning against the passenger seat door, when he sees me he nearly slips.

His eyes drink me in and I see his adam's apple bob as  swallows, his eyes sweep up my body before landing on my eyes. He opens the door when I approach him but I still see him struggle against himself, I raise a brow but he simply shakes his head. I get in and he shuts the door.

Instead of going around the hood he goes behind the boot stopping for a moment, his hand on the boot his head hidden by the vehicle as he bends. He stands straight and walks into the car like nothing happened.

"Hey," he says as he starts the car.

I shake my head in amusement, "Hey."

"You look breathtaking, Zoe," he looks me dead in the eyes, "Fucking unbelievable." He takes off towards our destination.

The celebration has been going on for a while now and I still had not seen the guests of honour nor April, I asked Aaron if he shouldn't be helping either and he shook his head. Informing me that I was his only priority tonight.

Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud begins to play and I'm about to mention how much I loved this song when I realise he probably knows that. When I turn to face him and say so anyway, I find him on his feet with his hand held out waiting for mine.

I look him in the eyes before checking the coast as if anyone here gives a rats ass about us before hesitantly placing my hand in his. He lifts me out my seat and just as he's about to lace our fingers I hear, "Oh, there you are!"

Immediately I let go of his hand and try to take a step back but instead I just fall right back into my chair. Aaron looks at me in amusement but I know he's judging me, probably thinking 'well, you couldn't be more obvious.'

Why was I scared? April is the one who basically forced me into being Aaron's plus one.

"Zoey, are you okay?" She glances at the floor as if trying to see if something tripped me, "This used to be your favourite song! Come on, let's go dance." She pulls me away from Aaron and onto the dance floor.

We embrace one another whilst lowly singing along to the love song, my eyes searching a little for Aaron. When I find him he's standing exactly where we left him, watching us. He gives me a little smile and I have to shut my eyes to keep them away from his.

I'm here to support my best friend, to celebrate a union Monica really deserves. Not to make love eyes with my best friend's ex. A new song rolls in next and I grab April's arm and drag her further away from those prying eyes.

image is how zoey looked in her dress and how the dress is.

AAAHHHH! Thank you for 1k!! 🤍

Resisting Aaron WellsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon