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Later that day Heaven was finished with school, she walked outside with Tony. The sun was beaming but it wasn't hot, it actually cool. Students filled the parking lot quite quickly. She glanced over at Tony. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow" she said.

Tony nodded his head, he was going to speak but just about that time Oscar rolled up. He hoped out the car and walked up to Heaven, he grabbed her by he arm. "Get in the car" he demanded.

She had no clue what was happening, she tried to pull away but his grip was too tight. "Oscar...." she started to say but stopped the minute he looked at her. She knew he was serious by his brown eyes, they had gotten darker.

Once Heaven got inside the car, Oscar turned towards Tony. "Don't ever come near her again" he said through gritted teeth. He walked away getting inside the car, he started it up and drove away. He gripped onto the steering wheel tight.

She looked over at him, she had no idea why he was acting this way. She was still in shock by the way he acted but somehow she managed to get the words out. "What the hell is your problem Oscar?" she sounded irritated. "He's my friend and besides he hasn't done anything wrong" she looked away from Spooky.

"Not yet" Oscar sounded a bit harsh. "People like him are dangerous" he said.

"And people like you aren't?" she looked over at him. She immediately regret the words, it had came out the wrong way. Oscar had never put her in harms way from the time she's been in town. "Oscar...I didn't mean it" she stopped talking.

Oscar was hurt by her words but he didn't let her see it, his grip loosened on the steering wheel. Even though he only knew her for a few days, the words felt like it was from someone he knew for a lifetime. He frowned, nose slightly flared. "Get out" he had stopped the car. Luckily they were right beside a bus station.

She was going to speak but she didn't get a chance to. Oscar got out the car, he opened the door. "I said get out now" he didn't look at her.

Heaven unbuckled the seatbelt, she grabbed her things and got out the car. She stood there by the car as he got back inside. She watched as he drove away, without even looking back. It stung her but she was a big girl and she'd get over it. She walked over to the bus stop, sat down and waited. She knew Jamal would be happy about this, she wasn't hanging with him anymore.

Once she had gotten home, she walked inside and seen Jamal along with his friends. She didn't bother saying anything to them, she began to walk upstairs. But stopped once she heard Cesar's voice. "What did you say?" she asked.

"I was just saying I thought you'd be with Oscar" he said. He looked at his friends before turning his attention towards her. "He told me he was picking you up" he adds.

"He did pick me up but kicked me out of his car" she replied. Suddenly all their faces had dropped but she didn't want their pity. "I had said something to him that I regret but I can't take it back" she shrugged. "Anyways carry on with whatever" she made her way upstairs.

She tossed her books to the side, kicked off her shoes. Then headed towards the shower, after the shower she planned on lying in bed and watch horror films because she definitely wasn't in the mood for something romantic.

While Heaven was getting ready to sulk in her own misery, Oscar was across town handling things in Freeridge.

"Come on ese" Sad eyes spoke. He was sitting in the car next to Spooky, they had to do a drop. Sad eyes opened up the brown bag, he looked through it. All he money was there, he looked over at Spooky and nodded.

Spooky began to drive, he hadn't really spoken unless it had something to do with a deal.

"Something bothering you homie?" Sad eyes questioned.

"Nah homie, I'm good" Spooky glanced over at him, giving him a nod. He turned his attention back towards the road. "Just a lot on our plate right now" he said.

"You know what that means?" Sad eyes asked. "Get you a fine ass hyna and have a little party, relax a little" he said.

Spooky chuckled and nodded his head. He was down for a little action especially after the day he's had, he decided not to think about Heaven instead he focused on what he was about to do tonight.

Poison|Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz Where stories live. Discover now