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The next day it was around ten something, she knew Oscar would be outside his house working on his car or hanging with his friend. She only knew because Cesar told her. When she walked downstairs, she didn't see Jamal which meant he must've been with Ruby. When she walked outside the sun wasn't beaming like it usually was, it was quite cool.

There were children playing, people running, cars passing by. She looked around, she thought about not going but it needed to be done. As she walked towards Oscar's house her heart raced, she was sweating which was rare. After a few more minutes she arrived in front of his house, she stood across the street.

Her eyes scanned until she found him standing on the porch, he was smoking a blunt. He had his friends around him, she knew this was now or never. She quickly walked across the street, she got up on the porch. She was only a few inches away from Oscar, she looked up at him. "Can we talk?" she asked.

Oscar looked down at her, he shook his head. "Nah, I'm good" he replied which resulted in his friends to laugh.

Heaven looked at his friends, she rolled her eyes. It didn't matter that they laughed at his comment, she just needed to speak to him. She grabbed Spooky's hand and pulled him into the house, she closed the door behind them. Before she knew it her lips were on his, she couldn't help but kiss him. Her heart was racing, it felt like butterflies were in her stomach. To her surprise he kissed her back but once he realized he pushed her back. "Stop" Oscar said.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I don't want you to be mad at me" she looked up at him. "Oscar..." she paused.

He had stepped back from her, he looked down at her. He could tell she was hurting but he was too, his face didn't show it.

She moved closer towards Oscar, she placed her hand on his. "I like you, I want to get to know you" she said. "The real you" she added. She laced her fingers with his, she didn't understand why she was liking Oscar so much. She didn't even know him like that but she felt like she knew him for a lifetime, like she needed him in her life. Heaven wasn't going to pass that up.

Oscar didn't want to open up, the only reason because he didn't want to get his heart broken. But right now it was a risk he needed to take. "I'm still mad at you" he said.

Heaven nodded her head, she understood. She leaned up giving Oscar another kiss, he immediately kissed back. He reached over taking her face into his hands, he deepened the kiss.

It had soon ended when the door open, they pulled away from each other. Oscar looked over to see Cesar walk inside, he cleared his throat. "Is it taken care of?" he asked.

Cesar raised an eyebrow, he looked between the two. He knew something was going on but he didn't say anything about it because that's their business. "Uh yeah" he nodded his head. "I'm just gonna" he pointed to his room. He then walked away, he shut the door behind him.

Once Oscar heard the door close, he pulled her towards him. He leaned down kissing her lips softly, this was the first time Oscar had shown this side. He ended up biting her lip which caused her to moan, he placed his hand on her waist. He gripped onto each side, like she would slip away from him or something. "I have to go" he said once he pulled away. He rested his forehead on hers, he looked into her brown eyes.

"Okay" she smiled him one last time. She pulled away, then let go of his hand. She didn't want go leave but she knew Oscar was a busy man. She didn't know exactly what he did but she did know he ran the Santos gang. "Give me a call later, I might be up" she said. She soon headed towards the door, she walked out and decided to head back to the house. There was nothing else she needed to do, once she reached home she kicked off her shoes and relaxed on the sofa.

As Heaven relaxed for the rest of the day, Oscar, Sad eyes and a couple other members decided to pull up on some Prophet$ that had shot one of their homies.

Oscar looked over and nodded his head, they got out the car and surrounded the Prophet$. The Santos ended up pulling out their guns, shooting before Prophet$ could. A bullet ended up hitting someone in the chest, it made the person fall to the ground. "Let's go!" Oscar yelled, which caused the Santos to hop inside the black car.

Sad eyes drove off, the Prophet$ began to shoot at the car which resulted in Oscar getting grazed by one. "Shit" he growled holding onto his neck.

When they had finally crossed to their neighborhood, Oscar wasn't going to go to the hospital for his wound. He was going to throw some peroxide on it and slap on a badge. Once the car stopped at his house, he got out and made his way inside. He went to the mirror, it was bleeding a little but not too much. He stared at himself in the mirror, he didn't want his life to turn out like this. He had hopes and dreams, the more he thought about it the more it made him angry.

He gripped onto the sink, he was fighting demons he couldn't get rid of. He suddenly heard his phone go off, he looked over to see it was Heaven. At least there was something good in his life, he reached over picking up the phone. He opened the message, he smiled then replied.

~I need you to come over~

After the message was sent, he went over turning on the water. He let it run for a minute, once it was hot he got inside.

When he was done, he heard the doorbell ring. He knew he would be alone tonight with her because Cesar was with Monse. He opened the shower curtain, then got a towel wrapping it around his body. He stepped out, then headed out the bathroom. The doorbell continued to ring, he couldn't help but chuckled. He looked over the peep hole to see Heaven, he soon opened it. "Come in" he said.

When she seen Oscar standing there in a towel, her heart started beating rapidly. She walked inside but when he closed the door she turned around and kissed him, she couldn't hold it in anymore. He lifted her up, letting her legs wrap around his waist. He then made his way towards his bedroom with her, the two were going to have a long night.

Poison|Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz Where stories live. Discover now