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EPISODE six of Crash Landing On You plays on the television but Cel couldn't pay her attention on watching it properly. She finishes cleaning the house, not including Flor's because she's not that lucky to not leave her something to clean and relaxes right after by watching some episodes of a Korean drama. Not only that her eyes doesn't have enough strength to read the English subtitles, she couldn't take her mind off of her ex boyfriend.

All the times that she prepared herself for the scenario they'd meet again, she always imagined that it's supposed to be her who would contact him to see each other, to tell him that she missed him and he missed her too, she apologizes and he accepts that, hug and hopefully, taking her back to him again. But as usual, fate's a bitch and decides to play a silly game yet again. They saw each other but by accident and worse, through her uncontrollably horny friend.

She's happy for Flor, she knew she needed a guy to clear up some issues to herself but it's her ex... The only guy she commited a relationship. The only man that took her seriously. The only person she was willing to take a risk for.

Her plan was to wait for them to come back, hoping she would get a chance to talk to him but she changes her mind. There was no way Flor would leave him alone with her, especially since she doesn't know who he is to her. Cel did mentioned her only real ex boyfriend to Flor but it was different name. She had to change his name. For starters, she wouldn't believe her and it was for his privacy.

She was about to switch off the television when the front door of the apartment opens, revealing the newly first date couple of the night. Flor approaches Cel and kisses her cheek while Harry closes the door.

"Hey." Cel greets softly, only focuses on her.

"What are you watching?" Flor ignores her greeting and notices the screen.

"Crash Landing On You. It's a Korean drama."

"Oh! Harry!" Flor exclaims as she comes back to him with a forced smile on his lips. "You should stay for a while and watch this. Cel knows a lot of great series since she's Asian so this is probably a good one!"

Cel widen her eyes and looks back at them since the sofa she's sitting is in front of the television and not facing them. She throws him a glance before speaking at her. "Flor, he's probably exhausted and he's driving, let him go."

"No, s'alright." Harry interferes while looking at Cel then looks back at Flor with a slight smirk. Cel catches that and roll her eyes as she diverts her attention back to the screen instead.

Flor smiles widely and pulls him by his forearm. Flor sits between Cel and Harry. Cel tries to concentrate on the scene playing just like Flor is but she knew she can't, knowing he also isn't focusing on what's being played. The only sounds being heard was the audio from the speakers, for some weird feeling; it's an uncomfortable silence between the three of them for Cel.

As soon as Cel leans her back on the sofa, she doesn't know that his arm was sprawled out at the back of it too. When his ring cladded fingers touch her bare shoulder, the spark that they didn't encounter for the past two years made an appearance that resulted for the two to look at each other with wide eyes full of surprise.

Green meets brown once again. If before that they could understand each other just by looking directly to their eyes, now it's as if even their eyes don't know what's going or what should happen next. The intense reading of their minds through their eyes were cut when Flor lays her head on Harry's shoulder that made Cel looks away from them and back to the episode.

"Wearin' off?" She hears him whisper to Flor and she nods. "Wanna sleep? I'll take ya t'your room."

She hums as a response and both of them stands up from the couch they were sitting. Harry looks back at Cel but she has her eyes set on the screen so he shrugs it off. Flor walks to the left side of the apartment and they enter her bedroom.

He lets herself in first and when he was about to follow, she turns around to face her.

"Thanks, Harry but I have to wash my face and change my clothes now." Flor lazily smiles.

He nods in understanding. "Had a fun time with ya."

"Me too. So, I'll see you tomorrow?"


"I thought we'll go on a second date?"

"Yeah but tomorrow already?"

"I can't wait."

He doesn't want to go on a second date with Flor now that he saw Vee again. But he can't see her again if he didn't. He sighs and looks down first then looks back at her again. "Sure. I'll pick ya up again. Tomorrow."

"Yay. Bye, Harry. Good night." Flor leans on her door tiredly.

"G'night, Flor. Take a good rest." He finally greets and she closes the door.

He exhales to let himself loosen up. He feels like he's been too tight when he's with her. Now, Vee.

He walks back to the living room and saw her still sitting and didn't even move from her position earlier.

"Uhm--- I'll--- Uhh---" He stutters, catching her attention. "Have to go."

"Already?" She asks him and he nods. "Where's your bodyguards?"

"S'the weekend, I gave 'em some time off."

She nods with a tight smile. He returns her a polite smile as he walks up to the main door.

Please stop me from going, Vesper.



He turns around to her and saw her promped out of the back of the sofa.

"You already started the episode, might as well finish it?"



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