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"WHERE'S Ves--- Celeste?" The first question he asks as soon as he sets foot inside of the little apartment and didn't see a glimpse of the owner of the underwear that is wrapped around his shaft while wanking like a horny teenager last night.

"She's out on a date, I believe." Flor shrugs like it's nothing as she prepares her things at home and the things she'll bring. But Harry freezes at his spot at the said information.

"What?" His British accent didn't gave out that he practically ask a bit of a raised tone.

She hums in response. "She told me this friend of hers has been begging her to go out for a little exploration in some of the eye catching sights here in Italy and finally, she agreed. Hence, the absence."

So she's seeing someone else? If she does, then why did she let me do that to her? She's not that kind of woman. On the contrary, Flor said she's just with a 'friend' but she's on a date!

"Harry?" Flor's hand carresses his cheek to snap him from his thoughts and thankfully, she succeeded. "What were you thinking?"

He shakes his head and gets her hand out of his face. He returns her a timid smile. "Nothin' really."

"You sure? You're not just thinking of Cel..." She looks at him with suspicion in her stare and tone.

He chuckles awkwardly and tries to come out an excuse or perhaps, a lie. "Why would I, dear?"

"Well, she's pretty. Only a delusional person wouldn't be captivated by her." She shrugs. "It's only understandable that you're looking for her."

It's true.

"Was only wonderin' why you're alone, yeah?" He forces a smile. "Ready t'go now?"

She nods her head quickly, making him chuckle as he lets her exit the place first.

To rest just from her exhaustion from the heat and tiredness, Cel sits on a platform and catches her breath. She looks around and the green color of the landscape is a big help of bringing her calmness. Ever since what happened yesterday, her insides has been upside down. Not knowing if it was a guilt for commiting a sin or excitement for after two years, she actually saw him again.

"Oh, this is a good one." Zoe comments as she scrolls through her phone, checking the pictures Cel has taken of her.

Cel looks at her for a while, hesitating to ask for advice or not but she's been a good friend to her. And she knows things about her situation, especially this. She answers the letters of problems about sinful lusts, this is kind of her field, right?

"Cel, just tell me what you're thinking, per favore." Zoe snaps her back from her thoughts. Even using an Italian word, her American accent still shows. "You're looking at me as if you're debating about something with yourself."

Cel sighs before speaking and fully turns her body to face her. "You know a whole lot about experiences more than me so I just want to ask about something."

"Define 'experiences'."

"You know..." Cel drags but it only earned her a raised brow. "Sex?"

She simply hums and allows her to continue.

"What if an ex boyfriend comes back and does something sexual to his ex girlfriend, both parties knowing that he is currently dating someone else and that 'someone else' is her friend, is it wrong or not?"

"How long are they dating?"

"It was their first date that day."

She anxiously observes Zoe as she purses her lips, thinking of an advice.

"Well, it is wrong. Regardless of what kind of sexual activity is that, it's safe to say it's wrong. But in my opinion, it's not technically cheating." Zoe starts as she puts her phone back in her jean's pocket. "They only went out for a day. One date. So, you can't really tell if he was commited to the girl he's dating. And we don't know for sure if he's still has feelings for his ex but I believe he felt the conncetion that he longed for a while to do such act to the ex, you know. Like, he felt the thrill and excitement of seeing her again so he did what he always wanted to do."

"So, what should the ex girlfriend do? She doesn't want to hurt her friend and her ex boyfriend."

"If it's about feeling hurt in this situation, it's inevitable."

Zoe says, making Cel to slump her shoulders and looks down to hide the pout on her lips.

"What she could do though is..." Cel immediately looks back at her. "Talk to her ex boyfriend. Either to stop whatever that could happen between them, clarify about what they just did or ask why they did it in the first place."

Cel breathes out and looks away from her and back to the surroundings, making Zoe catch that.

"Don't worry, Cel." She rubs her shoulders, making her look back at Zoe. "It's just a talk, you'll survive."

Cel furrows her eyebrows. "How did you know it's me?"

Zoe chuckles. "We write advices together. If it wasn't you, you'd probably know what to say or do without asking me."

They both softly laugh at how she has been so obvious.

"Wait, you only had one boyfriend." Zoe analyses. "So, it's..."

Cel nods. "Yes, it's him."

"Wow, after two years, huh? You saw each other again!"

"Yeah, it's pretty unexpected."

"How did you meet again?"

"Well, his family saw me first but I don't know why he's here at Verona all of a sudden. And what are the odds of him dating a friend of mine?" She chuckles.

"Must be meant to be." Zoe comments that made Cel scoffs. "Anyway, what did you say his name was again?"

"Uhh..." Cel clears her throat before speaking again. "Sky."


"Si. Sky."

"Sky what?"


Saved by the bell, Celeste is. For her phone rang, making her excuse herself from Zoe to answer the call. She stands up and walks a few meters away from her. She checks the caller I.D. and speaking of the devil...


"Celeste! Renz is in our doorstep!" Flor practically shouts.


"He's there! He said he's been waiting for an hour. So, are you close to home?"


"Per favore, Celeste."

She sighs in defeat. "Sto arrivando." 

"Grazie! I'll ask Harry to drive me home as soon as we finished our meal."

"Right. Ciao." Cel hungs up and immediately walks back to Zoe, saying she needs to go back and explains the situation.

"It's her brother. Why does she still needs you---"

"Zoe, don't worry. It's alright."

"Just because she's letting you stay in her apartment, doesn't mean you owe her anything." Zoe unexpectedly spits out a fact to Cel that made her surprised. "She's your friend, I get it. But she's treating you more of a personal assistant of hers instead."

"It's not that bad..." Cel comments, her voice fading away due to her knowledge that Zoe is right.

"You keep saying that to yourself. Now, come on."

Harry is going to be in a movie with FLORENCE Pugh, Dakota Johnson and Chris Pine titled 'Don't Worry, Darling'!!!

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