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"RENZ..." Cel calls his name, the guy who is sitting beside their apartment's door.

He looks up to the voice who called him and when he took notice who it was, he instantly stands up as she walks to the door closer.

He approaches her and let out a groan. "I told her not to say anything to you."

"Why wouldn't she? You sat and waited here for an hour." She ignores his feedback but all she got was a shrug.

She sighs and inserts the key inside of the keyhole. When the click was heard, she opened the door and comes inside, knowing that he's going to follow. Presumption's correct and she closed the door.

"Have a seat." She points at the couch and he obliges while removig his coat. "Water, coffee or juice?"

"Water, thanks." He answers and she walks to the kitchen and get him a glass of water. She comes back, hands him the glass and sits a few meters away beside her. He drinks the water when she speaks again.

"You could've just ask for my number from Flor. She's on a---"

"I don't have to." He cuts her off as he lays the glass on the coffee table in front of them. "I still have your number. I just chose not to call you."

"Then why didn't you---"

"Because I didn't know that you'd want me to call you or even talk to me, Cel." He looks at her that had taken her aback.

She narrows her eyebrows. "Well, you could've just stay some place nearby h---"

"Where? To the café where I built so many memories with---"

"Renz..." She starts with a mellow tone, gazing at his eyes intensely. "I'm just... I just thought something bad might have happened to you."

A smile starts to grow on his lips. "Just say you were worried for me."

His hand reaches her hand that is on her lap. Her eyes widen and pulls her hand to pretend that to scratch something itchy on her nape. "You should probably delete my number if it's not going to be useful."

She decided to change the topic, not wanting what's going through his mind when he said that.

"Before something happens." She looks away but his stare stays on her.

"What something?"

"You know..." She puts a few strands of her hair behind her ear, still not looking at him. "Someone might see."

She might see and the rest will just go downhill.

"She's not like that. She doesn't check my phone."

"Well, I would if I were her..."

And with that sentence, silence takes over between them. With the awkward aura, she picks up the remote and switch on the television to serve as a background voice.

"By the way, where is Flor at this hour? It's late."

Cel chuckles. "She's 25. She's free to go wherever she wants to."

"I know. I was just wondering. Both of you have work tomorrow."

"She was on a date."


"And she did too!" Flor joins the conversation, startling them. Harry follows her inside and closes the door. Cel stands up and so did Renz but with a surprise reaction on his face.


"This is my brother, Lorenzo. Renz, this is my date---"

A scoff lets out from Renz's mouth, earning him a death glare from Flor. "There's no way Harry Styles is your date."

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