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BREAKFAST is what he expects to help her lighten up but not just any other usual breakfast. No, it's an Italian breakfast. So, Harry prepared a prima colazione (consists of hot milk with coffee) with bread or rolls, butter and jam, also cookie-like hard bread called fette biscottate. Just like before, he went all out for it but this time, it was actually him who prepared it. He spent all night learning how to bake the breads, Googling what are the 'typical Italian breakfast' and he's actually proud of how the results have come out. He takes one final look at it and sighs in relief.

He walks to the bedroom where he didn't sleep last night right after he checks that everything's perfect and assuming she's still sleeping. Well, he could have slept beside her and cuddled to make her comfortable like how he used to do it the first time they did it but there were no deep feelings involved back then. Besides, she's away from him too long after losing her virginity. She might not like it when guys hold or touch her. Respecting her private space is the least he can do for her.

He opens the door slowly to avoid making sounds. When he have opened it wide enough, he saw her sitting on the bed, staring at the view outside of the window while holding her phone. Not noticing him entering the room, he knocks on the door that catches her attention. She turns her head to his direction and he meets her with a closed lip smile. 

"G'morning, love. Breakfast s'ready." He smiles at her that earned him a very small and weak one.

He frowns a little when she just stood up and walks past him. He knows she's not in a good state but it still bothers him every time he looks at her closely yet she feels so far away compared to how he used to be with her. Shrugging the feeling off, he follows her and sees that she's already sitting on a chair in front of the breakfast he prepared. He sits beside her but still leaves a personal space from her, again, unlike how he used to be with her. 

She inspects the food then looks at him and he gets a proper look of her eyes, her sad, hurt, bloodshot eyes. "I don't know what to say except... Thank you."

His shoulders relaxes. There's still Vee, not gone but only lost. "Vee, ya don't need to thank me again."

She scoffs. "I know, it's kind of annoying but I don't know how to thank you enough for everything you've done for me. You did more than you think you did for me..."

"And I could say the same thing to you." He smiles politely as he reaches for her hand on her lap. "Now, let s'have a very scrumptious breakfast."

And for the first time in like forever, she smiles genuinely. Vee knows what he's doing; he's been trying to rekindle their relationship by bringing back their good-ole memories. Even though it's adorable, she has to let him know that they're not who they're used to be. At least, she is not who she used to be. Lacking energy, she choose to procrastinate it.

During their meal, he made a start of a small talk between them. He asks without looking up from his plate, "What were ya doin' up?"

She swallows the food down her throat before answering him. "Quitting."

Instantly, he looks up to her with narrowed eyebrows, slightly parted lips and eyes full of fear and worry. She felt the gaze on her so she meets his eyes and sees how his stare is to her.

"What I mean is, I quit my job." She clarifies that made him internally sigh in relief although visibly relaxes his once tensed shoulders. "I used to work with Flor so I had to quit."

"S'it really necessary?" 

"She has worked at the theater longer than me and she really loves dancing and being a choreographer. Besides..." She pauses to look away from him and takes another bite. "She made it clear that she doesn't want to see me again."

"I never got to say M'sorry, love." She looks back at him only to find out that he never took his stare away from her.

"For what?"

"For ruinin' your friendship with 'er. That was never an intention of mine and I wasn't aware of the consequences you're goin' to have... Well, havin'." He apologizes sincerely. "Again, M'really sorry."

She reaches for his right hand that's holding a spoon. "You defended me, it's alright."

"Well, to be fair, she never treated you like a friend anyway. More likely a personal assistant of hers... And by the way, I 'ave an assistant but I would never treat 'em like how she s'been treatin' ya..." He rants and pouts at the end, making her giggle. Loud and clear, it was another first time event for Harry to hear and make her giggle. "What?"

"It's just that, you and Zoe said the same thing." She resumes her eating but left him confused.

"Zoe?" Also, he continues having his meal.

"Hmm, she's a fellow writer. You probably have met her. From the club of Juliet's secretaries?" 

He reminisces that memory of the last Gucci party he attended. "Right, I remember, 'course. But what d'you say? Fellow writer?"

Her eyes widen from her sudden slip. She blinks it away and looks at him innocently. "Whatever do you mean? I think I said, fellow rider. We may have rode the same transportation a few times..."

His deadpan expression gives away that he's not buying her lie. "Have I ever mentioned that ya are a terrible liar?"

She thinks thoroughly. "I think you did mentioned it once or twice before..."

"Vesper..." He warns to stop the act with a raised eyebrow, making her sigh in defeat.

"Zoe and I, well, we write together at work." She starts. "I'm also a secretary of Juliet."

"You had two jobs?" He can't believe that when she was working with him, she's treated like royalty and now, working two jobs and still doesn't have a house of her own says quite a lot that she's been through things... Alone.

"Well, yeah. I started just a volunteer at the club but Cosima, my boss whom you've already met, suggested that I should be a regular and get paid since I've come there very often."

"How come I didn't see ya in the party? I've met 'em there..."

"I know. They were really excited of meeting you, they announced it. And once they did, I..." She bites her lower lip then releases it before proceeding. "I ran away, hoping you won't see me."

"Were ya wearin' a pink floral off-shoulder dress?"

She furrows her eyebrows. "That's oddly and vividly specific, yes... Wait."

"I saw ya!" 

"You saw me?!"

They both say at the same time, with both pairs of eyes wide.



And they did it once again, making him grin but can't laugh, seeing the serious confusion on her face.

"I knew those bloody boots were familiar!" He comments, making her chuckle. "You ran away from me..."

"I wasn't prepared to see you after two years!" 

"Wait." He states, remembering something and even raising his hand then points out to nowhere using his index finger. "I sent me mum to meet 'em, did ya..."

"Oh, yeah." She nods slowly. "Your mom and your sister."

"Wait, no. S'just me mum that I sent. Gemma?!"


It's Louis Tomlinson's birthday and Christmas Eve! Yay!

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