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"MISTRESS?" He asks, his turn to widen his eyes from the newly found information. "Cel, is that what you think about yourself? My mistress?"

Renz asks her who is sitting across her while Harry keeps his hand on her thigh for comfort as he sits besides her. She really wants to answer Harry's questions for that's what he deserves but she can't be late and let Renz wait all day. So, Harry insisted that he should go which both parties agreed since she can't explain all of it by just herself and he doesn't like the idea of just the two of them together alone due to the said history. Hence, the current situation.

She fiddles with her fingers while looking on it that's on her lap. "Well, that's what I am, really."

"No, you're not." He reassures. "Is that what Flor made you think about yourself?"

Flor's his sister, if there's someone who knows how manipulative she can be, it's Renz. He sighs and looks at Harry who has his eyebrows knitted, looking at him.

"Before I tell you what happened to us, are you going to tell me why I have to tell you about us?" Renz asks him.

Harry clears his throat before speaking. "Somethin' happened that isn't really that pretty between me and Flor that kinda got messy."

"Did she say anything about me?" Cel asks him with curiousity and worry in her eyes.

"Only cursing your name and that you're not going to stay with her anymore. Apart from those, nothing." Renz answers and turns his attention back to Harry. "Even none about you. Why is that?"

Harry sighs and rubs his hans on her thigh to get her attention. She looks at him and saw that his eyes are asking for permission and she already know what it's about so she nodded.

He turns his attention back to Renz. "She found out that me and Vesper... Pardon, Celeste... Me and Celeste were a couple."

Renz chuckles in disbelief. "What? That can't be true? Cel?"

She just responds with a slow nod, releasing the humor on his face.

"But you said you only had one boyfriend and his name's Sky."

"Well, I had to change his name for obvious reasons. I knew I would get the same reaction all the time and his privacy is important, you know? But I didn't lie about anything except that. I really did write for and with him."

"Where did you get the 'Sky'?"

"That s'the nickname she used to call me so technic'lly, she didn't lie at all." Harry butts in. "When Flor found out, she didn't took things we hope she would've. So, we're not seein' each other anymore."

"I could tell. Still, she didn't have to kick her out of the house. She knows how difficult to find a place to live here." Renz mutters.

"She was hurt and so it's fine."

"No." Both of the guys say, making them look at each other briefly then look away in an instant.

"My place---"

"Right." Harry stops Renz. "How 'bout the two of you? What s'the story?"

Cel looks up at Renz and he meets her gaze before looking back at Harry then she starts.

"Well, we met at a party that Flor hosted. I was already working with her and he was months away from flying to London then---"

"I noticed her..." Renz cuts her, shifting Harry's attention to him. "I found out that she was new so I had to introduced myself. We just talk for a while then things start to escalate real quick, I guess it's 'cause of the alcohol but next thing I know, I just want to see her again. I asked her, she agreed and we started meeting in a nearby café to Flor's."

"Were you already livin' with Flor then?" Harry asks Cel but Renz beats her to it.

"Not yet."

"Florence..." Cel interjects. "Found out about us first before offering me to stay with her."

"Was she alright with---"

"Surprisingly, yes." Renz chuckles, making Harry's eyebrows rose up for not even letting him finish the question, thinking that a simple act of rudeness defines his personality. Renz doesn't notice this and sighs before continuing. "But I told her that I was starting to like Cel which is bad because I was going to London to stay with my girlfriend."

Harry furrows his eyebrows. "You started datin' someone even if you 'ave a girlfriend?"

"We thought..." Cel grabs Harry's forearm, making him look at her. "That our friendship would stay platonic and harmless."

"Does Flor knew he was in a relationship with someone---"

"Yes." Renz answers quickly.

"And she didn't tell ya?" Harry now asks Cel in whisper. She loosens her grip on him and looks down. "And lemme guess, you didn't get mad when you knew 'bout it?"

His green eyes pierces to her brown pair, making her look away with guilt. "She said we looked happy so she just let it be."

"She could've warned ya or prevented this from happenin'." Harry says in gritted teeth, finding out that she has been treated like shit for years. He looks back at Renz. "And you didn't tell 'er you were taken?"

"Like she said, we didn't expect things between us to be more than just a friendship."

"You still could've told her the truth. That s'the least she deserves." Harry starts to raise his voice, worrying Cel. She grabs his knee and pats it comfortingly to calm him down.

"I thought Flor already told her." Renz shrugs. "But yeah, when I told Cel what I feel about her, it wasn't a good situation. I was going to leave her and I felt really bad for her. So..."

Renz looks at Cel with anxiety, waiting for her reaction for his revelation. "So, I told Florence to let you stay with her so she could take care of you."

"What?" Cel widens her eyes. Renz slowly nods and looks down while Harry looks at her with worry in his eyes. "You made me stay with your sister out of pity?"

"It's not like that, Cel. I just care about you that's why---"

"I was given a place to stay because of your request?" She asks in disbelief while holding her head with both of her hands. "What am I to you, a charity?"

"Celeste..." Renz begs.

"Do you know what that made me feel? Like an orphan who was given away to a foster parent who didn't want to have a kid at all. I remained blind to how she treats me because I thought she considers me as a friend for letting me stay, only to find out that you just told her to do that?"

"I didn't mean to make you feel that way, Cel..." Renz says desperately.

Harry takes out his money from his wallet and stands up. "We'll get goin'. She s'probably gonna have to think 'bout stayin' at your place."

Renz looks up to him, nods slowly in defeat. Harry looks back at her and puts his hands on her shoulders. He rubs it and leans down to whisper, "Let s'get outta 'ere, shall we?"

She looks up to him and nods then stands up, not throwing him another glance.

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