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DAYS gone by after that meet up of theirs which miraculously ended. Although, she's not sure of what he felt after hearing the waiter call her the nickname he used to call her. There's confusion and a bit of discomfort playing through his eyes as she studies his stare. She noticed that so she completely dodged it to a different topic. It was a clear save when she brought out the iconic "starving - famished" exchange of theirs before.

She can't technically tell him that the waiter knows her as Starr del Luna for a few reasons: Maybe because she's a secretary of Juliet and he'll eventually find out that she ran away to avoid him in the party. Also, he'll find out that she met up with his family behind his back and she's scared to see his reaction. And if he knows that she uses a pen name for a certain reason, he might not like it.

Technically, he's not the only one who can't know the reason. Her friend and fellow Juliet's secretary, Zoe is a black American who is not fond of Camila Cabello for her previous racist remarks. If she finds out that Starr is a ghost songwriter of hers as a sign of gratitude for saving her by giving her blood to Cel, she would receive an hour-long sermon that she shouldn't be working her ass off just to pay her debts to everyone and that she doesn't owe anyone anything. And knowing Harry, he's probably going to agree with her.

On second thought, why is she worrying about his reaction? Or is he really going to have a reaction about it? Why? Who is she to him anyway besides her ex-boyfriend?

"You sure as hell not in your usual self." Rosalyn, another colleague from theater, notices her stare at nothing but a blinking cursor and a blank worksheet.

Cel snaps back to reality and sits up right, removing her chin on her hand. "Mi dispiace. You were saying something?"

"I was asking if you're alright." Rosalyn chuckles. "And I think I got the answer."

"I'm fine, really."

"It's not like you when you don't type non-stop."

"Writers experience writer's block every once and awhile." Her fellow writer suggests.

She shrugs. She focuses again on her laptop's screen and tries to come up with something when Rosalyn closes it. She then crosses her arms and sits on the table, facing her.

"If it's writer's block then don't force it."

Cel audibly sighs and leans her back to the back of the chair. She looks up to the ceiling and closes her eyes. Her colleague hops off of her seat then goes back to what she's doing before. Soft knocks were heard and the door opens, catching theie attention. Revealing an eight year old Italian girl with down syndrome, Cel's face and mood brightens up.

"Signora Celeste?" She asks, her voice soft as her knocks earlier.

"Si, Willow?"

"Someone is looking for you. He's waiting in the receiving area." She informs shyly. Her cuteness almost made Cel forget what she was saying.

She stands up and walks up to her. She kneels to meet her height to properly talk to her. "He?"

She nods her head a little too much while trying to suppress her smile. "Molto attraente."

Cel raises her eyebrow and Rosalyn, who has been hearing them, laughs at the said gushing of the child. "You're too young to say that."

"You can't blame the kid for appreciating art." Rosalyn butts in. "I heard from Flor that Renz is back in town."

She stands up and walks to her. She holds the hand of a skipping Willow's while they're walking to where the said guest is waiting. Willow's parents are one of the stockholders of the theater and were the people who financed the office. Every theater plays Cel and others write is being performed by children who are deaf, mute, blind, handicapped, autistic, etc. The proceeds of the plays mostly goes to the kids and the rest, for the theater and the staff.

Could it be Renz? What could be the reason why he would look for me? Instead of his sister? Actually, why is he back here in Italy? He's finally engaged and living in with his fiancée, what could he possibly want from me?

They reach their destination and the guest was standing, his back is visible to them as he looks around the room. As they approach closer, the more she recognizes the body and the fancy and expensive clothes.

"Harry!" Willow shouts before Cel could even call his name. He turns around and when he sees her, his dimpled smile shows off his white teeth.

He walks to them and kneels to Willow. "Grazie mille, Willow."

She replies with a simply prego.

"Willow, chiama signora Florence." Cel commands her.

"Si, signora." Willow obliges and when she ran, she reminds her. "Non correre."

When Willow is out of sight, she spoke. "Hey."

"Hey. Or should I say, buongiorno, bella."

She giggles but suppresses it with a cough when he notices. "You're too formal. Cariño."

He audibly sighs. "M'always impressed whenever I 'ear ya speak Italian."

"I work and live here for a long time, not quite necessary to be impressed."

"Pardon me but I disagree." He comments while raising and waving his index finger.

She smiles at his gesture. "So, you ask for me?"

He shrugs. "Figured I'd check your workplace..."

"I'm sorry, maleducata." She mumbles to herself. She points to a long couch. "Have a seat."

He obliges and she also sits, leaving a space between them which he didn't took unnotice of. He knows she will put her guard up to avoid any situations related to their previous act.

"How did you know I'm here?" Curious but nervous, she is. Resulting her to ask for a different question than she intended to.

For obvious reasons, Cel questions why would he look for her instead for Flor. They are the ones who are dating, not them anymore.

Florence asked me to visit but really is just that I want to see you again.

"I asked Willow."

Yes but that didn't necessarily answered my question: Why did you look for me?

"Right. You've met Willow."

"Yeah, sweet and pretty young lass, she is."

"She truly is." He tries to keep eye contact with her as he always do even with someone else when he's trying to make a conversation but for the first time ever, Cel was uneasy. If it was Vee, they would stare for hours. But this is Cel and there's a Flor.

"You'll stay here for a while?" He nods as a response. "For Florence, correct?"

He shrugs. "Sure."

No, for you. Harry thinks of answering but he knows it's too risky to say it to her right now. Someday, just wait for the right time.


Also, please help me and my home country by signing the petition, the link is in the comment section. It will be a big help. Sierra Madre mountain range, aside from providing habitats for numerous species, it also plays a big role. It serves as a natural shield from typhoons and now it is endangered just for that kaliwa dam project?! Please sign the petition of #NoToKaliwaDam #SaveSierraMadre

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