Waking up

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Harry: 22
Me- aka Grace: 15
My brother Harry asked me the night before whether I could help him outside fix two of the tyres of his car, but said it had to be done fairly quickly because he had to drive it by the afternoon. I didn't mind and agreed of course however he didn't specify what time I had to wake up and it turns out he meant earlier than I expected.
I was lying in my bed in long pyjama trousers my sports bra.(it was hot don't judge) I was lying face down on my hands (kind of like sunbathing but the other way) until Harry walked in. He looks at me for a couple of seconds before trying to wake me up. I was hoping if I could fake being asleep he would leave me alone and come back slightly later but no.
He climbs on top of me, putting his 6"0 heavyweight onto my tiny, petite 5"2 frame. I giggle and squirm of anticipation trying to fling him off, but that lump just was stubbornly lying on me. I thought this was my punishment until I felt his cold hands going underneath my belly, pressing and prodding all my pressure points while I squeaked and wriggled round.
"Stoooppppppp, Harrrryyyyyyyy" I blubbered tiredly.
He then started blowing in my ear, which send tingles down my neck
"Graciiieeeee, come on, otherwise your gonna get punished" he teased. As I refused to budge, he sits up a bit so he is on my waist, and starts stroking the bottom of my socked feet, I immediately start giggling and thrashing because I was completely immobile but being tickled for my was like torture. Harry's fingers skittered along my toes and up my soles. As his fingers fluttered up and down my feet not missing one section I sounded a lot like this:
"No can do baby sis, shoulda got up when I told you to"
He then gets off me so I am free I half sit up so I'm leaning on the back of my head board, I assume it's over but he then just starts attacking my belly making it feel like tiny little bugs were all over my tummy. I burst out laughing but although I'm free, the awkward position I am in restricts my movements so all I could do was attempt to push his hands off me with no avail. He spiders his fingers all around going from my ribs, to the top of hips, up and down my sides, plunging into my belly button now and then, darting his fingers in every possible direction trying to catch me by surprise. He keeps tickling me slowly inching towards my armpits, until suddenly he sticks his wiggling fingers in them, holding my arms in one hand so I don't close my arms. Although after a while, he let go of my arms, the torture didn't stop because whether my arms were up or down he refused to back down. Seeing as I'm almost crying Harry finally lets me go and then smiles weakly at me as a truce. He then lifts me up and piggy backs me downstairs where we go and eat breakfast and help with his car.

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