The Glowing Wrist

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It was a breezy morning on the 5th of September, the rain was falling softly and the smell of breakfast coming from downstairs intruded my inner peace. I tiredly opened my eyes and groaned inwardly as I remembered that it was the start of our classes today. I always hated school, people don't like me there and somehow, I find our lesson boring and very much normal.

Reluctantly, I hastily took a warm bath before putting on a blue sweater with simple flower embroidery on it, and dark jeans before finally proceeding to take a look at my reflection. It was always like this, me staring at my own reflection, my reddish-brown slightly wavy hair hang loosely at my back while my sea like eyes searched for any sign of life within myself. Searching for that slight glow of color from my wrist but still nothing. My grandma always reminds me that I could never see my own lifeline but it couldn't hurt to try every day.

As you can see, I was born with an ability, a gift they say but more like a curse to me. It was the ability to see people's lifeline in this world. I could see a glow from their wrist, glowing bright means they still have a long life, glowing faintly means their time on earth isn't that long and if the glowing stops mean they were about to die. Yes I know, with this ability I could save lives, thousands maybe millions but I can never interfere with life and death because there are consequences, and believe me, I've learned that the hard way.

I went downstairs and found my grandmother waiting for me at our kitchen while my dad and older brother, Caleb, already eating their breakfast. 

"Good morning" I greeted softly while checking the lifeline of each of my members. 

Caleb's lifeline is glowing brightly, dad's lifeline is also glowing brightly but not as bright as Caleb while my grandma's lifeline is glowing faintly. For the last few years, it was glowing that way and I still feel sad at the thought of it. My grandma noticed my saddened expression and she knew immediately why I have that expression. She shook her head warningly, I bowed my head in shame, she always told me not to get carried away but it's really hard knowing what I could lose in a blink of an eye.

"Juliette" Dad called me, I scowled at him, he insists on using my first name when he already knew that I hated it, "Do you need a ride to school?"

"I think I could just walk" I smiled "Thanks dad"

"Dad, can I borrow your car?" Caleb asked

"How about your car?"

"Your car is way cooler than mine" Caleb winked at dad making me giggle slightly

"Caleb, what happened to your car?" Dad asked seriously

I laughed inwardly before quietly slipping out, knowing that any moment dad will explode at Caleb's revelation. I was already on the porch with my umbrella open when grandma called me, I looked back and approached her. 

"What is it, grandma?" I asked. 

"You forgot to kiss me," she said sternly. 

I smiled apologetically before kissing her on the cheek, then she suddenly huggedm e before whispering softly, "Take care, remember all of my reminders, be blind on the things that shouldn't be seen" I nodded then she went back inside again

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