The Ultimate Sacrifice

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During Lilia's memorial, Caleb became distant towards me, he will only talk to me if needed to and whenever I tried to talk to him, he always got an excuse. Grandma told me to give my brother space but it's hard seeing him falling apart and me just watching from the sidelines. Everyone in the family knows that every night, Caleb cries but we are also aware that he needed the time for himself.

Dad didn't also know what to do so when Caleb asked him to study abroad, Dad was forced to comply. I tried to stop him but he just won't listen and I knew that I am a part of the reason why he wants to leave. Grandma had been my comfort ever since no one in the world understands what I'm feeling except for grandma who also experienced the same things.

One night while grandma was telling me a story, I was driven by my guilt to take actions and not let others suffer as I do.

"Grandma" I called


"How can I stop the curse?"

Grandma looked alarmed but answered, "To die before conceiving a child or not to get pregnant at all"

"Grandma I don't want to pass the curse to someone, I want it to end with me," I said with conviction

Grandma tears up a little before wrapping her arms around me, "Don't do anything stupid"

I smiled brightly, not saying anything because I know that I couldn't promise or even try not to be stupid.

My relationship with Tristan returned to normal but still, he didn't mention anything about his mysterious disappearance before. It's actually like nothing has happened and he was more cheerful and happier than before. My feelings for him never falter and I was still left to decide on whether I should confess everything to him. My thought would often wander back to Lilia's little advice on my situation and every time it flashes through my mind, I build a little courage inside.

It was a fine Saturday morning when I decided that I would confess my feelings to Tristan. I texted to meet me up at the beach at 5 pm and that I have something very important to say. He agreed and also replied that he also has something to say. Hope suddenly builds up inside me, thinking that he's also going to confess his love for me. Grandma notices my happy mood and when I told her everything, she suggested that she will help me get ready.

By 4 pm, I was already wearing a dark blue sweater and a pair of jeans, my hair was fixed into a braid that grandma carefully strengthened. I was nervous and excited if he was going to confess his love, I was willing to let go of my mission to stop the curse for him. Yes, it is selfish but he is worth everything, he is worth more than my beliefs and he's definitely worth more than my entire existence. Grandma checks my look one last time before letting me go with slight tears in her eyes.

Every step that I take brought colors onto the boring world that I am currently living in and everything that I see on my path brings a smile to my face. When I arrived at the beach, I found him already sitting near the shoreline, I approached him silently and ruffling his hair before plopping myself next to him. Tristan smiled at me, his all too familiar smile and the same glint in his eyes.

"Look" We both started which made us laugh

"You first" I insisted

"Okay" Tristan smiled, nervousness evident on his façade "When I got back here I didn't know what I was expecting"

Wait, got back?

"You see I never mention to you but this was actually my home town before-"


" I wasn't supposed to be alive today if it weren't for the girl who saved my life"

I felt my chest tightened, so it was him, the boy who was my first saved. I turned to look at his wrist, it explains everything but if I saved him then he shouldn't be alive right now.

"We moved here to start again and because my girlfriend-"

No no no no this isn't real

"My girlfriend, Kathleen Carter, has a stage 4 cancer that's why I disappeared that day after our dance"

I felt my chest tightens in a deadly grip, every part of my body couldn't move and I could literally feel and hear my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. I feel tears threatening to fall but I controlled them, I needed to get out of here, I needed to walk away from all this pain and suffering. I hugged Tristan tightly and he was taken aback by my action but slowly hugs me back.

"I just want to thank you for everything" he whispered

I let go of him and pretended that I needed to be home already; he seemed oblivious with my real emotions and let me go. I smiled brightly at him before taking a dash towards our home, tears slowly evading my eyesight. I was thankful that no one was at home at that time so I easily went up to my room and cried. It hurt so much, it hurts to feel how someone who means so much to you doesn't feel the same way.

I wanted everything to stop; I want my whole world to stop spinning for the people that I care about. I wish my heart would just give out, I wish I'm selfish, I wish I would stop feeling everything because it hurts, every part of my being was broken, not can be seen by the naked eye but so much worse than the eye can perceive. If love will always be like this then I choose not to love at all.

Tears were pouring down my face when I realized what I have to do, something stupid but totally selfless. I composed myself before finally heading out, I didn't actually know where I was going but my feet seem to know where I want to go. Soon enough I was facing a white establishment, More Hospital, I went inside and went to the information booth.

"Kathleen Carter's room number?" I asked

"3rd floor, 304" the nurse replied

I was like in a tranced but whoever is controlling me, I agree with them. When I arrived at the room the first thing I notice is the girl with raven hair and pale complexion sleeping on her bed. If this is Kathleen, she looks really beautiful. I scanned the room and found the familiar unruly black hair sleeping, his head on the bed and hands holding hers, the same hands I hold on to. I stared at Tristan's sleeping formed, he looks so exhausted even if he's asleep. I slightly ruffled his hair. I'm going to miss you but don't worry I'm going to end all your suffering.

I took a step back from them and I focused really hard on calling the entity that ruined everything for my family, Death. Suddenly Professor Collins appeared out of nowhere but this time he's wearing a black cloak around him.

"You are Death," I asked, slightly taken aback by the fact that death had been always by my side

"I am" he repeated, "What do you want?"

I sigh, gathering every courage that I have, "I want you to take my lifeline and give it to her"

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