The Childhood Memory

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I jump onto my bed, thinking of the things that had happened during the day. It's only 1 in the afternoon and my life had been more messed up than ever. I rolled over and found myself staring at my galaxy like ceiling and wonder about the black glow in Tristan's wrist. While my thoughts were wandering into the abyss, sleep slowly took over my body and I was brought into a dream, a dream that always intrudes my peaceful sleep.

My five-year-old self was playing at the playground with some other kids, perfectly seeing all the glowing wrist of every child in the park. I was building a sandcastle when I noticed a five-year-old boy about to cross the street, the first thing I noticed about him is that his wrists are not glowing at all and I was engulfed by a premonition of bright light and a flash of a moving car. Before I knew it, I was running towards the boy and with one last push, I jump onto him and we both fell back, the car zoomed out of the road, totally missing us by seconds. I lifted my head up and met the eyes of very familiar grey eyes.

I jolted up awake, my head is throbbing and sweat evident on my face. I adjusted the temperature of the room and checked my clock, 5:00. Whoah, that nap was long. I went to the bathroom to take a warm bath while washing away all the dirt and sweat from today's events, I suddenly remembered the dream. That dream wasn't exactly just a dream, it was a memory and it happened before when I was still a five-year-old girl. At that time, I still don't know the rules of my ability so when I saved that boy, I was completely unaware of everything. But to think of it, nothing happened, no consequences were done and it turned out to be okay. Did death make an exception for me? or there is a loophole behind all of this? I'm really tempted to ask grandma about it since I always dream of that particular memory but I always choose not to tell her. I don't actually know why but it's like a secret that only I can know and no one else.

I turned off the shower and wrapped my hair with a towel. I changed into a set of pj's and went downstairs to check if dinner is already prepared. I found Caleb on the sofa watching the Supernatural series, our favorite series. I went to sit beside him and he automatically opened his arms so that I could snuggle with him just like when we were kids, that's Caleb, always so protective. We were watching peacefully when Dad called us for dinner and we quickly followed him.

In the kitchen, the aroma of roasted chicken enveloped my nose and made my tummy grumbled in hunger. I sat beside Grandma and together we eat peacefully and satisfyingly. I noticed that dad is looking at me every now and then, meaning that he wants me to ask something but is definitely having second thoughts about it.

"Dad, what is it?" I finally asked

Dad looked taken aback but regained his composure, "I've heard what happened at your school today-"

I knew it

"And I just want you to know that it is not your fault at all" Dad gave me a sad smile, "It will never be your fault"

I wanted to cry at that moment but I hold them at bay. Looking at this family, I am so grateful for them even if I have this kind of ability, they never failed to show their support. I smiled at that and stood up to hug him tightly.

"Thank you dad" I whispered then I also hug Caleb and grandma before proceeding to eat.

After our dinner, Caleb presented that he will be the one to clean and wash the dishes, and grandma sent me off to bed already so here I am lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and perfectly doing nothing. I wish I could have some friends to talk to but that's not going to happen. I forced myself to sleep and thankfully I was too tired by the events that my body finally gave in.

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