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No one knew what caused the death of Aria Copland, not even the doctors who have handled her case. She was just found in her bed early in the morning, with no sign of movement within her body, not even the slightest rise and fall on her chest. If everyone saw what Aria look like that day, they would agree that she look stunning despite the circumstances. Her reddish-brown hair frames her face softly, her thick and long lashes lightly settled on her cheeks, and her skin though pale seemed to be glowing.

During her funeral a lot of people came, students, she didn't know from her school, teachers, and neighbors. They were all sharing stories that commemorate Aria's memory but one boy can see all through of it. Tristan, Aria's best friend, knew that these people are just pretending to know her at all because when Aria was still alive, they didn't even bother to talk to her, they thought of her as an outcast.

When everyone finally settles in, the priest started his last blessings, and soon, one by one, each family member stood up to say their final farewell. It started with her grandma who just simply sang a song that she's been singing to her ever since she was a baby. No one understands but her grandma knew that Aria's death was a sacrifice for something even bigger. Next was Mr. Copland whose eyes were red and puffy. His eulogy consists of how Aria is a wonderful daughter, and every mention of her name, his voice broke in pure agony. Last but not the least, Caleb, her brother, who suffered twice already. Caleb stood in front ready to talk about her sister but when he said the first word, his knees gave away and he collapses in front of Aria's coffin, crying in pure anguish. Mr. Copland wrapped his arms around his son before supporting him back to his seat. Not many may know this but Caleb's agony is far bigger than a brother losing his sister, it is because the last memory of Caleb of Aria was him leaving her.

Mr. Copland asked Tristan to also share his speech before the funeral but Tristan refuses, knowing that what he's going to say has to stay only between Aria and him. The priest finally gave its final word before they lower her into the ground, gone forever. People started to leave including the Copland family but Tristan refuses to move at all, he wanted to say something to her, to tell her everything before he starts to move on.

Kathleen, his girlfriend who miraculously survived her stage 4 cancer nudges him at the side and motion that they should leave.

Tristan shook his head, "I just need a moment with her".

Her girlfriend nodded and stood up to leave, leaving only Aria and him. Tristan slowly made its way to the front and he kneels down in front of her burial site. Slowly his strong demeanor broke down, piece by piece and his tears slowly made its way to his pale cheeks.

"Aria I'm so sorry" Tristan started, "I was so dumb, so dumb for not telling you everything"

The wind blew a little bit harsher, that the stem of the trees started swaying.

"I just didn't want to accept the fact that I might hurt someone with my own feelings" Tristan's voice broke, "I was a coward for not telling you, I was a coward for not being true to myself and lastly I was a coward for letting you leave that night when I knew that there is something wrong with you. But the truth is-" Tristan swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I have fallen in love with you" Tristan confesses, voice full of regrets.

Why didn't you tell me when I was still alive? 

Tristan thought he heard it, it was Aria's voice, faint but clear or it was just his mind playing tricks on his broken heart.

"We only regret the things that we didn't do in the end"

Tristan looked up and came face to face with their Ancient history professor, Professor Collins. He slowly leans down and places a black rose in front of Aria's burial site. Tristan didn't know but he suddenly feels anger towards his teacher but before he could say anything more, Professor Collins already walked out of the scene with a slight smirk on his face.

They didn't know that death has planned it along.

From the very start where the girl saved the boy and he miraculously stays alive. Death knew that Aria would be mesmerized by the black glow on Tristan's wrist, a glow that signifies Death had saved him and he will be a pawn to get her. And now, after years of waiting and planning, victory is finally in his hands.

Professor Collins looked back at the weeping boy and chuckled inwardly. They are all fools for thinking that they could outsmart him. He had always been watching and observing, making sure that everything in his plan was going to work and it did. And now, the thing he wants the most is within his grasp, he's going to maker her, his queen.

Losing the disguise, Professor Collins has now been transformed into a mesmerizing yet intimidating creature. His hair as black as the night sky, eyes that could be mistaken for smoking coal, skin glowing under the sunless day, and a body that every girl couldn't resist. Death finally sigh in contentment, his mission is finally done and he could finally be with the person he wanted to be with.

With one last smirk, he vanishes into thin air, leaving the world of despair.                

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