A New Friend

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The next morning everything was back to normal except for the fact that our auditorium became a memorial service to our late headmaster. Tristan, true to his word, always accompany me whenever we have free time. He is actually fun to be with, he has this charm that would make you smile and he's really adventurous. We decided that after school today, I will be taking him to our town's beach to watch the sunset and the crashing waves.

During lunchtime, I sat at the far end table in the cafeteria where no one would hopefully notice me. I was eating my pizza when Tristan sat in front of me, placing his tray on the table.

"Hey" He greeted before he took a piece of his four slices pizza

"That's a lot" I commented regarding his food

"A growing guy needs to eat" He replied while eating his second serving of pizza

I chuckled inwardly and let him eat in peace. I was reading some of my notes for my next class when Tristan started asking me random questions.

"Favorite color?"

"Blue" I smiled

"Favorite movie"


"What would you want to be someday?"

"To be an explorer"

His chuckled a bit, "Okay that's new"

"What's so funny about it?" I looked at him slightly offended

"I don't know, it's just that I never heard of that answer before"

"Well now you heard it" I stuck out my tongue at him

"You really are interesting"

I feel the heat rising my cheeks, "No I'm not"

Tristan only laughed in return and before he could ask anything more the bell rang, signaling the end of our lunchtime. I bid my farewell to him and proceeded to my second to the last class of the day which is Biology. I sighed inwardly, I'm actually not a fan of science and the teacher literally is the living incarnation of Ursula herself. She hates students and likes to give a pop quiz about the different parts and functions of cells.

Professor Allison drone on and on about the existence of life, sometimes calling out names to answer random questions. I'm literally bored beyond my wits but I really need to have good grades for the college that I will be trying in.

The rest of the hour passed by boringly and soon enough I found myself waiting at the entrance of our school for Tristan. I was tying up my shoelaces when suddenly someone kneels in front of me and took the laces out of my hands. I lift my head up and was met by Tristan's unruly black hair, he continued tying my shoelaces before looking right back at me. The familiar gleam in his gray eyes shone brightly and I was overcome by the feeling of seeing the home I never knew but I belonged to.

And for the first time, my heart skips a beat.

Tristan looked at me with confusion, I must have been staring far too long so I just playfully ruffled his hair before standing up, ignoring the sensation I have experienced before.

"So where are we off to?" Tristan asked

"To a place where you will be entranced by magic," I answered shortly, a mischievous glint evident in my eyes.

The sound of the calm waves, the vibrant orange hues of the setting sky enhancing the glittering crystal water of the open sea, and the hard blowing of the wind, this blissful scenery greeted us. I smiled giddily, I will never get used to this particular view and I'm proud to say that this is my home, my forever refuge. I turned to look at Tristan and found him staring ahead, lips formed into a smile and his eyes look as if he was here before and he longingly yearned for it. He turned to look at me and gave me the biggest smile that a person could muster before taking off his shoes and running towards the open sea.

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