The First Death of the Year

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I started walking ahead again when I notice Professor Calvin, our headmaster, rushing to his office. I was startled by his presence for the glow in his wrist extinguished and a premonition evaded my consciousness. His hand was shaking violently as he falls to the ground, gasping for breath. I was brought back to reality and I have to lean myself against the wall for my mind is foggy and disoriented. I couldn't believe how unfortunate I am, death at the start of classes, how cruel fate can be. I wanted to, God I'm dying to prevent him from going to his office but the flashback of the incident before, entered my mind and I knew I couldn't.

I noticed that I was already 30 minutes late in my Geometry class so I decided not to attend it at all. I went to the school's library and decided to just wait for the end of my second period when suddenly a booming sound came from one of the speakers.

"Calling all students and faculty staff, please proceed to the auditorium"

My stomach tied into a knot when I realized that it could be something about the death of our headmaster. I groggily went out of the library and walked towards our auditorium which is by the end of the corridor. As I entered the room, I notice that it was already packed with people and the only seat left is next to the trash can at the far end. I was walking towards it when Professor Halligan appeared on the stage with a grave expression on her face. I knew immediately that it was about the death of our dear headmaster.

"Good morning dear faculty staffs and students" she greeted us "I'm afraid to say that I have some bad news. Earlier this morning, it has come to our attention that our beloved Headmaster, Professor Calvin has passed away in his office"

An uproar started by the students, some were crying and others have a blank look on their faces. Many students love Professor Calvin for he is kind and just to students, he always listens to the complaint of the students and always prioritize our welfare. I was overwhelmed by the situation, this is all my fault if I could just do something for the things that I know if I could just prevent it. This trail of thoughts bombarded my mind and I couldn't take it anymore so I run out of the room. I was both crying and running at the same time until I slammed into someone, forcing me to fly at the other side of the room. I feel someone lifting me up but I was so disoriented that it took me a minute to realize that Tristan Xavier was holding me and staring deep into my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked me again, I don't know how many times he repeated that but I could only nod in agreement.

He led me into a nearby chair, then he offered me some water which I gladly drank gratefully. He sat beside me and waited for me to calm down before offering me a sandwich and an apple.

"Thank you" I looked into his eyes sincerely

He nodded then asked, "What happened back there? You seem upset"

I shook my head no and I was grateful that he didn't ask more. A few moments later, we were informed by the teachers that classes had been canceled and we were required to go home because they will be preparing for the funeral of the headmaster. Tristan offered to accompany me to our home but I refused since my dad and brother will surely tease me about it. 

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