Chapter 1

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Loki POV

“Thor, must I really come?” I ask my brother, sighing. I really do not wish to go. 

“Yes Loki, you really must come. It will be fun! Especially after we announce to the Midguardians that the battle of New York was not your fault because you were being controlled by that Bligesnipe of a criminal!” Thor says, clapping me on the back with enthusiasm. 

I swear my spine is going to be dislocated by him one day. Why does he always insist on dragging me around? For once, can’t I just sit in my room and read? Perhaps wander about the gardens in Asgard? No. I have to get hauled back to this god-forsaken planet to help them catch some mermaid. 

Mermaids aren’t even real in the first place. Why do they think they need everyone’s help to catch one child in a costume?? 

Thor leads the way through some floating island, stepping around people that are all occupied with things that they seem to believe to be extremely important. I follow him, because I have nothing better to do. 

Also because the last time I was here they locked me in a cage like some monster, and if they saw me without an escort, some poor soul would take it upon theirself to escort me to a new cage. 

Eventually, the mortals running about begin to thin out, and we arrive at a room full of chairs and people who really dislike me. 

The one-eyed man glares at me, and points to a chair at the large table. I roll my eyes and sit down. Thor takes his seat as well, and the lights go out. Some piece of Midguardian technology begins to display images against a wall of a girl. Girl at a store, girl eating lunch, girl walking outside, girl inserting a key into a lock. 

More images fly by of this girl. Eventually I get sick of looking at pictures of this girl. 

“Why are you showing us this? Do you require someone to watch your child, Dire-ec-tor?” I draw out the title, mocking him. His head snaps over to me, and he glares at me again. 

I glare back. And we stay there for a moment before he shouts at me. 

“Shut the hell up and sit down.” I slink back into the chair. 

While making eye contact with me, he presses another button and the image changes. This time, it’s a very blurry photo of a girl being lifted by water. It’s surrounding her legs and lifting her above the tide. Her mouth is open and her eyes closed, and she radiates power. Below her, there is a group of humans pointing weapons at her face, but she is not concerned. 

“This is the target. She shows up every couple weeks on the surface, takes a temporary job, and goes back to the water. As far as we can tell, she can breathe underwater, and she can swim so extraordinarily fast that the moment she is submerged, we can not find her.” I glance around at the others, and they all are listening seriously. I try to mirror their facial expressions. 

“She doesn’t exist. She doesn’t have a credit card, she doesn’t have a bank account, she doesn’t have any official identification, and she does not get transported anywhere. However, somehow she manages to pop up in dozens of cities along the east coast with seemingly no assistance. She is being chased by a number of people, the latest addition to the list being S.H.I.E.L.D.” 

Fury sits in his own chair, and the lights turn back on. He inhales deeply before continuing. 

Why are we being given a lesson on a child who doesn’t like to be known? Maybe she is just introverted and doesn’t trust human banks. I don’t trust human banks, why aren’t they chasing me? 

“Last Tuesday, we got a tip from an off duty police officer who saw her singing at a high profile restaurant. We sent a squad in to try and catch her. Upon noticing them, she broke into a dead run, heading for the beach. She was just barely fast enough to make it impossible for us to shoot her anywhere, much less tranquilize her. However, the moment that her feet hit the ocean, she spun the situation. Suddenly, she was in control. We don’t know what she did, but I am now three teams short of a homeland security agency!” He slams his fist on the table to accentuate his point. 

Everyone except for the widow jumps at the sudden noise, myself included. So that’s why he needs us to take care of a child. 

Stark speaks up. 

“So what do you want us to do, Pirate Face?” He says, looking every inch a bored teenager. 

“I want you to find her, contain her, and bring her to me.” 

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