Chapter 12

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Loki POV

When I wake up, I am immediately aware that my neck has been in an uncomfortable angle for far too long. I straighten up, feeling my spine correct in several places. I really should have just slept on the ground. Even if it was cold and smelled like fish. 

As I yawn and open my eyes, groggy, I realize that it is the middle of the night. I am also now aware that Serendipity is not where I left her and my brain goes into a panic.

Where is she??

Did we miss one of them?? 

Did she ditch me??

I jump up and begin inspecting the upper deck of the boat, running in a crazed loop, checking every inch of the deck. I exhale a sigh of relief as I find her sitting on the opposite side of the deck on a ladder intended for descent into water. Her eyes are closed, but she is awake. She looks peaceful. She looks beautiful. You can tell this is her home. Here in the water. 

I stand awkwardly behind her for a few minutes, unsure how to proceed. Is she meditating? Thinking? Having a mind-linked conversation? Praying? As I wait, I notice that she’s quietly singing, but this song is different. This one isn’t intended to cause death or plant urges in another’s head. There’s even words involved, though I have not the faintest idea what language it is. 

I stand and listen to her. It sounds like she’s having an emotional conversation with whatever she is singing to. There’s pain, but also love, and a longing I have never felt. I find myself creeping closer to her, trying to understand more of the song. Whose feelings are these? How is she singing emotions? It’s not even that the song makes you feel emotions. It’s that it is emotions. I feel myself getting sucked into it, everything else disappearing, and some voice in the back of my mind tells me ‘snap out of it!’

I shake my head and slap myself, clearing the song out of my mind. 

“Little witch?” I say, startling both of us with a sound other than the waves and the singing. 

“Oh, hey Loki,” She says, still staring at the water. “Did you sleep alright? I didn’t want to wake you up, even though you slept for almost 14 hours. I imagine healing me was not a quick fix,” 

My face heats up as she recognizes that I healed her. Only three bullet wounds, a couple concussions, a few minor cuts, and bruises on almost every part of her body. 

“Oh, yes. I wasn’t able to stay awake long enough to ensure you woke up; my apologies,” I tell her, before grinning and adding “Little witch,” 

She immediately whips her head around and gives me a mischievous smile. 

“Remember when I said to not call me that?” 

“Oh yes, I do, little witch. What are you going to do about it? Use your witch abilities and have me walk off the boat?” I ask her, playful. 

“Oh, me? I would never!” She says, scooching back away from the ladder. “ it with my song!” And before I can process what she said, she grabs my leg and pulls it towards her before jumping off entirely. We land in the water with a loud splash, and I feel like a wet midgardian pet again. I laugh at her under the water, and she extends her hand to me. 

I hesitantly take it, and she flashes a grateful smile at me before taking off. I look over my shoulder and see her tail, such a powerful extremity, pushing us through the water at incredible speeds. It’s so beautiful, a collage of blue, purple, and pink scales. Now with a few patches of green from her bullet wounds. As I let my eyes travel back up her body, I can see the places where her bigger cuts and bruises were now have blue scales covering them. Perhaps it is a form of scarring. I suddenly become aware of the need to breathe, and I tap her shoulder. She turns around, and I gesture to the surface. She shakes her head at me, laughing. 

Instead of letting me surface, she grabs me around the neck and brings her lips to mine. I find myself shocked, but not upset, as I lean in to her. Even more shocked when I feel air coming from her lungs and into mine. As she pulls back, even though she just gave me air, I feel breathless. She glances back at me, worried. 

“Did I do it right? It’s been so long since I’ve done that.” She asks me. I want to ask her a question, but unlike the little witch, I can’t talk underwater. I once again point to the surface, but this time she smacks herself in the face before humming a low note. I watch the water clear away from our heads, forming an air bubble big enough for both of us. 

“What’s up? Did I swim too fast? I knew I shouldn’t have rushed, I’m such an-“

“You aren’t anything other than a little witch,” She gives me an exasperated look but doesn’t cut me off. “I have three questions. Number 1, where are we going?” 

“The coast, although I am uncertain where specifically. We drifted a while on that boat. If you’d like I could take you to a cave to spend the rest of my break with me, but I think you’d be happier where you can breathe. Next?”

“Um, yes, I think that would be best for now. Number 2, when was the last time you did… that” I gesture between us. She blushes, and it looks wonderful on her, but she shakes her head. 

“Please? Can’t you tell me??” I ask, whining slightly. 

“Nope! That information is classified, Loki,” She says with a flirtatious grin. 

“Alright then, keep your secrets. Number 3. If you could just make an air bubble for me, why did you do the air transfer in the first place?” 

She floats a little closer to me, using her fin to gently push herself closer, until we’re so close I can nearly feel her breath on my face. 

“Let’s just call it personal preference,” 

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