Chapter 24

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I swam for about 32 hours non-stop to get here. I’m at the coast of somewhere- again, I don’t know the name of the places, just that I have to get there. My best guess is the west coast of North America. I am the guardian for most of North America, so almost everywhere I get called is near it. Other guardians help South America, or near Europe, there’s a couple for the northern seas, and there’s some that just go where they are needed. The northern sea guardians aren’t very nice. They seem… well, cold. Their skin is blue, and not like my skin is blue. Normal guardian skin is an almost dead sort of pale, or if they’re dark skinned there is just something unsettling about it. Then, whatever the majority of your scales are colored shows up slightly on your skin. 

Slowly swimming around, taking in everything, I realize why I’m needed here, and why it was so urgent I’ve been growing scales fast and shedding them faster. This whole section of coast is full of garbage. Everything. Plastic mostly, but also cloth, and metal. My tail is already wrapped in plastic and I’ve barely been in here for five minutes. 

Darting around everything the best I can, surveying the damage, I start formulating a game plan. First things first- I need to get all the wildlife out. They require my aid first and foremost. Once they are out, I’ll have them wait nearby while I look for something sharp; so I can cut whatever is stuck on them off. Then I go back in and start collecting garbage. Once it’s collected as well as I can I change and find a public place where I can dump it. The humans only clean things that would impact their life, so I have to make it affect them. 

Let’s get to work. 

Loki POV

I make it up the stairs only a moment after her, and I watch in horror as she turns and keeps running. Towards the edge of the ship. She jumps over boxes and darts a around people, focused on getting there. I speed up, catching up to her. I watch as her leg pushes her off the edge, and I reach for her. I barely graze her fingertips and she keeps falling. She turns around, looking at me. I fall backwards, landing rather ungracefully on my rear in shock. 

She just jumped off the Helicarrier. She’s probably dead any moment now. She didn’t have a parachute. She’s going to hit the ground and splat, like Fury said I would if I broke her heart. Wait. Where is she going to land?

I stand up, carefully inching towards the edge, as I do not wish to fall off either. I exhale a huge breath when I see the endless blue beneath us that is her home. She isn’t going to die. Not unless someone is after her again. I wish I had asked where she needed to go. I wish I would have said yes, told her that we could have sneaked off and gone to take care of it. 

But no, in a moment of foolishness I thought that it was best to stay. She wasn’t lying when she said she was going with or without me. Now I don’t know if she’s ever coming back. I might have lost my little witch to her home and her duties. 

What exactly are her duties? I know she’s said before that she has to help the ocean, but what exactly does she do?

It doesn’t matter now, i guess. Now, I have to go tell Fury. This won’t be pretty. 

“Director?” I call, knocking on the door of the latest debriefing. 

“What?” He snaps back through the door. “Who is it?” 

“It’s Loki, I need to speak with you, sir.” I respond, trying to keep myself together.

“It can wait.” He says, already dismissing me. I inhale, preparing myself to be assertive against what is probably the only man who really intimidates me. 

“No, it can’t sir.” I tell him. I can hear the gasps of whoever is inside, shocked that I told him ‘no.’ 

“It’s about Serendipity.” 

The moment her name left my mouth, the door flew open, revealing Fury, looking furious at me. He glances over his shoulder. 

“Everybody out. Report to Agent Coulson, tell him i had urgent matters to deal with,” He orders. Everyone stands up, murmuring ‘yes director’ and they file out. 

He pulls me into the room, closing the door once everyone is out. 

“What happened.” He asks, his voice serious. I breathe deeply. This will not be fun. 

“She’s gone.” I tell him, not making eye contact. I can feel his gaze boring into me, so I continue. 

“She’s been sleeping a lot lately, and shedding scales everywhere. We were in my quarters this morning and she nearly passed out.” I feel a twinge of embarrassment at telling him we were in my rooms. “Then she told me she had to go, that the ocean needed her. She begged me to go with her, but I said that you told me to keep her here.” Once I start, I don’t stop, and the words keep coming. I tell him everything, even how she jumped off the ship and into the ocean. 

He frowns, pacing. 

“Can you track her again?” He asks me. 

“No, sir. She’s in the water. I may be good, but I’m not that good.” I admit. Fury continues pacing, deep in thought, before resignedly collapsing into a chair. 

“Then I guess we wait for her to come back.” He says, quietly. 

“What??” I demand, flying out of my chair. 

“You can’t be serious! We’re just going to let her go out there, and get killed?” I shout at him. 

“Yes, unless you have a better idea?” He quietly demands. I fall into silence. 

“No, sir,” I whisper. I can’t do anything. I just have to wait for her to come back. She might never come back. My witch might be gone for good. I can’t even find out if she’s alive or not.

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