Chapter 16

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Serendipity POV

Well, Loki, I guess that you had some sort of a good idea in your desire to be in control of your girlfriend here,” Fury says, after we explained the last couple of days- of course leaving out the sharing a bed part of it. I blush, and Loki’s face turns slightly blue, almost like a blush. 

“Miss Dipity,” Fury says, turning to me. “In light of recent events, the pool which you had previously spent your time in has been converted into what will serve as your quarters. The observation room has been altered to serve as your apartment, so you will have your pool closer than before. I would wish to avoid another incident.” He says, giving Loki a look. Fury seems to blame Loki for me being so dehydrated, despite my arguments that I forgot to take water from Lacey’s. 

“Is that all, director?” Loki asks, aching to leave Fury’s office. 

“Not quite,” Fury says, also looking as if he wishes to get out of this room. “I have also decided that from now on, Loki, you will be-“ He sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Serendipity’s bodyguard.” 

“What?” Loki and I shout at the same time, flying out of our chairs. I’m not sure if I’m horrified or ecstatic. A bodyguard. I don’t need a bodyguard. Loki needs a bodyguard, not me. I should be his bodyguard. 

“Well, I’m pretty sure that this is the best arrangement, unfortunately. Loki seems eager to be a bodyguard, and as far as I’m aware, you, Miss Dipity, would rather have him than someone else. Am I correct?” Fury asks me, giving me the closest thing to a glare that I get from him. 

I slump back into the chair and glare at the ground, making a grunt of agreement. 

“Great, you are both dismissed.” Loki and I both jump at the opportunity to leave. Fury also stands up, showing us out. 

“Oh, and before I forget, Loki, your room has been relocated next to Miss Dipity’s,” He says, before shutting the door behind us. Loki and I both groan. I slide down against the wall and wrap my arms around my knees. 

“Bodyguard,” I moan. 

“Neighbors,” Loki groans. “But not that I don’t like you… or anything like that.” He corrects. 

“No, no. Not at all.” I agree. I definitely don't not like him. Probably the opposite of don’t not like him. 

We sit there for a few minutes, ignoring the weird looks from various people passing through, before I get an idea. 

“Hey, Loki?” I say, conspirally whispering. 

“Hey, Serendipity?” He whispers back. 

“Wanna go do something fun?” I ask him with a sly grin. This gets his attention. One of his eyebrows quirks up, interested. 

“Of what sort?” He asks, looking like a gossiping teenager. 

“The mischievous kind.” I say, knowing that I had sold it the moment I said ‘fun’

“Of course! Have you heard that I am occasionally referred to as the god of mischief?” He asks me, clearly looking to show off. 

“Which is why I think you’ll enjoy this!” I tell him, giddy. I start jumping as I walk, excited like a toddler. I grab Loki’s hand and drag him towards the ‘mess hall,’ trying to ignore that I’m technically holding his hand right now. And actually, it feels really good. 

We get to the doors, and I drop his hand. I press against one of the bars and slowly push the door open and peek in. Mostly empty. Perfect. I swing the door open and urge Loki in after me. We glance around the room, only seeing a few stray agents, mostly people who are still covered in grime and a bit of blood, most likely from a field assignment or training with Nat. 

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