Chapter 10

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Loki POV 

“Director Pirate!” I shout through the door. He invites Serendipity into his office, tells her that she is not allowed to call him sir, and then promptly slams the door in my face. 

“Director Pirate!” I shout again, rapping on the metal door.  Silence, silence, and more silence. 

“I know you’re in there! I just saw you!” Still silence. Fine. You want to play that way, we can play that way. I pause to consider a moment how best to proceed, before I summon my magic and walk right through the door that still won’t open. 

“Hello, Director, thank you for letting me speak with you,” I say with a pointed glare to the man who doesn’t so much as glance up from his paperwork. 

“What do you want?” Fury says, annoyed. 

“I want to know why you let her leave! You’ve seen the reports, you know the list of people out for her blood!” I shout at him. This is not acceptable. He can’t just let her leave, just like that, by herself!

“Yes, I do. What is your point?” He says, putting the pen down and folding his hands on the desk. 

“She is in no way safe on her own!” 

“I beg to differ. You saw the reports too, and you saw how much work it was to bring her in. If it weren’t for you covering Barton, you all would be dead or very, very sore. And we all know you’ve watched her training almost every day. You should know as well as anyone that she can handle herself.” If I have ever seen a man who wishes to kill me, it is now. And I have seen many men who wanted to kill me. 

“She’s not safe by herself!” I fire back, seething. He can’t just let her go! What if another agency decides she is too interesting to be free, or too dangerous to be alive! 

“You care so much, you go find her, clear?” Oh. Wow. I was not expecting that. Me? Why me? Why do I like this idea? Clearly it’s her magic. That’s all there is to it. She’s enchanted me and now I am being persuaded by her song to protect her. It is a classic reaction to being involved with a parasite. 

“Is that an order, sir?” I ask, hesitantly. Am I being sent to chase after her? To chase after Serendipity? Serendipity, Serendipity, what an odd name. I wonder where she picked it up. I know she has lived longer than any old human could ever dream of, and I know that she has lived under many identities, so why chose-

“Yes, it is, so get out of my office and don’t come back unless it’s with her,” The pirate says, interrupting my thoughts. So I spin on my heel and walk through the door again. I turn and walk down a hallway, not paying attention to where I’m going. I have been appointed bodyguard of a siren. A siren! Up until two weeks ago, I truly believed they were merely a myth. Now here I am, enchanted by one. 

Why is she doing this to me? Does she enjoy plaguing me every moment of my consciousness and every second in between? Why can I not get her stupid voice out of my head?!

You know what, I’m going to ask her. I’m going to go to the beach she got dropped at as soon as I find out where it is. I’m going to find her, I’m going to make sure no one kills her, and I am going to force her to explain why she will not leave my thoughts. 

There are more people here than I had expected. A lot more. Now I have to search through hundreds of humans to find the witch. 

Ok, if I was the witch, where would I go to enter the water? 

Definitely not a public beach during the day. 

Where else could she have gone?

Down the shore. Going to the left only leads to hotels. The right seems to stretch forever, and is mostly empty because there is no beach. So I follow the beach. I walk down the shore for almost an hour before I realize that i could quite possibly go walking forever. So I cast a tracking spell and see witch-sized footprints begin to appear before me. I follow them down the shore, until the cut off, so I get in the water. 

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