Chapter 43

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The water in front of me lazily shifts around into odd shapes, an excuse for entertainment until it's an acceptable time to be out of my apartment. I wave my hand around to direct it, bring the water winding around the room in no discernible pattern.

I hear my phone start ringing from my living room and drop the water, letting it splash around until it naturally settles. I walk off the pool deck slowly, now paranoid about falling after I did this morning. I drip across my path as I walk to the couch and check my phone.

It's Nat? I frown but hit accept.

"Hey, Nat. What's up?" I ask her, confused but not upset. I haven't heard from her very much lately since she's been busy heading missions.

"You better come down to lockup," She says, and immediately hangs up. My brow furrows. What could be happening? Fury gave those guys a good talking to, so I don't think they'd make that particular mistake again. However, humans tend to be quite idiotic, so anything is possible. I pull on a hoodie and keep my black pajama shorts on, despite how wet they are.

My door clicks shut behind me and I step into the hall, heading for lockup. As the dozens of possible situations bloom in my head, I pick up the pace, ignoring the odd looks from agents who see my sprinting barefoot through the halls.


"What's going on?" I hesitantly ask Nat when I get to lockup. There's a crowd of people outside the door, including but not limited to four guards, eight low level (compared to Loki) criminals, Nat, and a few interns.

"Executive orders kicked everyone out, including everyone who should be locked up, except for Loki," She says for my ears only.

"Figured I'd wait for you before I did anything interesting," Nat says with a smirk. I snicker and try to peer through the door. Can't see anything interesting from here.

"I'll go and see what's up." I tell her, informing rather than asking.

"Uh-uh, you are not going in there with that sociopath," She says, also informing.

"He's much less likely to kill me than to kill you, and I'll let you know if I need backup," I glance around at the crowd, all of them looking annoyed, and none of them seeming to pay attention to me.

"Anyone got some water?" I call out to the group. One intern says that he has a waterbottle and I take it, despite his protests.

"Sorry, I need it more than you, unfortunately, kid," I tell him, resisting the urge to pat him on the head. He gets mad, understandably. Nat jumps in, making a big deal of picking some invisible dirt off her gun. He gulps and steps back. I walk over to the door and try to open it. Unfortunately it's locked.

Fortunately for me, I can teleport. I open the waterbottle and pour it on the floor so that some seeps under the crack between the door and the floor. I crouch down and stick my hand in it, feeling with the water.

I feel it slowly dripping towards the cells and I feel for the farthest part that I can and pull myself to it. I feel the jolt and fall onto my bottom, as usual. Sighing, I right myself and call the water off the floor and out of my shorts, winding it into a long strand and weaving it around my body, all my senses on alert.

I walk through the cells, looking for any indication of what's happening and where Loki is, but I don't find any. I keep walking, and the cold seeps into my bones as I walk towards the very back corner.

As I turn into a new corridor, I'm greeted by Coulson. He seems as shocked to see me as I am to see him.


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