Chapter 18

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It’s only been 32 hours since they took her. Every one of them I’ve been haunted by her screams, how she cried out for me as they hauled her away. I jump out of my chair again and start pacing. 

I rush towards them

Daggers flying



Puddles of water in the halls 

I let my fist fly to the wall for the hundredth time today, feeling the thin scabs that formed from the last time fall apart. I’ve been in this ridiculous room for almost 6 hours, and no one will tell me anything. I’ve given up trying to trick my way out of it- they always haul me back into the room. No one will tell me anything! I need to find her, I need to find my little witch!

At the thought of her name I almost break down again. I can’t believe this happened. I let them take her. They took her and I didn’t stop them. I scream and collapse into one of the chairs at the table in this room. 

I hear the lock on the outside of the door move, and jump up out of the chair again. The door opens to reveal Fury, who put me here in the first place. He steps in, and silently closes the door behind him. 

“Sit down.” He orders me. Great. We’re back to him wishing to step on me. 

“I will not sit down!” I tell him. “Someone took Serendipity, and you people won’t let me go find her!” I shout at him. I am done sitting in this cursed room! 

“We people have some information, which I would be inclined to share if you would sit. Down.” The pirate says. I reluctantly slump into a chair across the table from him. 

“Well?” I say, frustrated. He grunts at me. 

“We have a fairly good idea of who took her.” He says, carefully choosing his words. “The ships that she sank a while back- they were from a group of Romanian scientists. They’re most likely the primary people who have been after her, which we think because they were very prepared when they came.” He informs me. 

“How did they even get in?” I ask, consciously trying to be civil, however much I wish to separate his body from his limbs. He sighs, before admitting

“They managed to get their hands on S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms and key cards, somehow.” My eyes widen at this new information. Whatever they want from her, they are willing to go to extreme lengths. Getting uniforms and credentials would have to take an absurdly long time. 

“Well, do you know where they are?” I ask, eager to do something other than sit in this room for another two days. He reluctantly shakes his head. I rub my hands over my face and groan. 

“We’ve got a couple guys down in interrogation, but it’s most likely going to be awhile before we get anything more significant.” The pirate says. He takes a deep breath, as if he’s going to regret this. “Because we aren’t making much headway… the council and I have decided… we’re going to let you go after her.” 

At his words, I jump up, instantly more awake than I’ve been since the adrenaline rush of the theft of my witch. I head for the door, but he pops up in front of me. 

“You didn’t let me finish.” He says, clearly frustrated with me. I don’t like you either you short demanding pirate. 

“We’re going to let you go after her on two conditions.” He corrects.

“Well? What are they?” I prompt when he doesn’t continue. 

“Number one- you are going to go sleep, for a minimum of 8 hours. We aren’t going to rescue you if you crash while you’re there.” Seriously? I don’t have 8 hours to wait. I need to go now, not in 8 hours. 

“Number two- you take a comm link and check in every ten minutes. We won’t make you take any agents, but you are checking in every ten minutes, max late check in is a half hour. Any more than that and we are assuming you’re dead and making your access void.” I nod, considering. This is doable. 

“Alright, I accept your terms, Director Pirate. I shall go find the wi- Serendipity. I will go find Serendipity after at least 8 hours of rest, and I will check in every ten minutes.” He gives me a curt nod and steps aside, letting me out of the room. 

As I take long strides to my room, I edit the arrangement. I will go find the little witch after three hours of rest, because I will not wait 8 hours. And I will check in every half hour. 

As I step out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Base in New York, I have found a new strength, and I begin forming a plan. Tracking spells are very helpful, especially when you have had contact with whoever you are tracking. Usually you use something like hair, or a shirt the person wears frequently, but a physical piece of whatever you are tracking works best. So I went and found a couple scales from Serendipity’s rock- she sheds occasionally when she changes- so I’ll use those. 

I drop three small blue scales on the ground in front of me, ignoring the odd looks from passerby. I mutter the spell underneath my breath, and watch as the scales wither away, and scatter in front of me as if a breeze had swept them up. I watch as a green mist lights my path, and I begin to follow. 

I follow the mist for several hours, trekking deeper into the Midgardian nation of United States. Suddenly it cuts off, in the middle of the street. I walk in a circle around it, thinking that maybe a trick of the light had hidden it, but no; it disappeared. I look around, seeing only a few buildings. Most of them are houses, but one of them is a storage facility. I create an illusion, and enter the building. 

I inspect each section of the facility, looking for anything to suggest she had been here. As I creep around, focused on looking for people- my legs slips and I almost fall. I straighten up, but crouch down to see what I stepped in. 

Water. I dab my finger in one of the small puddles and smell it. Ocean water. I stand up, and start searching for more droplets. I glance at a device that S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me with the comm to tell time- time to check in. 

“Check-in, I think I’m almost to her,” I say, pressing the small button on the comm in my ear. 

“Copy that, ten minutes to next check-in,” A voice responds. I scoff. I will do no such thing. 

As the setting sun shines through the windows high on the walls, it reflects on something shiny, not far from the trail of water. As I get closer, I realize what it is, and I inhale a sharp breath trying to maintain composure. It’s a small clump of dark blue scales.  The kind that grow over her wounds. 

I cast the tracking spell a second time, and watch these scales evaporate as well. I follow the green wisp. Through a secret doorway and underground through winding hallways. Once again, the wisp disappears, and I’m left to search on my own.  I pause and listen, I hear the familiar sloshing sound of water somewhere in this hallway. I’m wide awake once more. 

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