Chapter 38

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"Nat, we can't go to Fury!" I plead as she walk towards Fury's office, Thor and I trailing behind like lost puppies.

"No," she says. "You can't go to Fury. I can." I mentally groan. She's set on this. The only way to stop Fury from finding out would be to kill her, but even then that probably wouldn't prevent him finding out. Plus I don't want to kill my best friend. This will not blow over well. Fury will be...Well, furious. We kept the staff for almost a month. And if we tell Fury, he's going to put it in lock up where Loki can just grab it again. I can almost see him coming back, we can't afford to ruin that now!


"You mean to tell me that your boyfriend stole the staff? The same staff that we were tearing apart the whole ship for? That staff?" Fury demands in a quiet voice. Quiet but deadly. I reluctantly nod.

"Yes, sir." I whisper. Fury rubs his face and sighs.

"Then I'm sorry about this, Miss Dipity, but I have a duty as director. You are charged with withholding information and possession of illegal weapons," Fury declares. He pulls a thick set of handcuffs from a desk drawer and slaps them onto my wrists. My eyes widen in horror and I look up at Fury. He looks disappointed. Within moments Thor and Nat are shouting over each other trying to defend me.

"Will both of you shut up for one minute?!" He cries, and they both fall silent. "Now, Romanoff, you have the talking stick." He says, mocking a preschool teacher.

"It's not her fault she didn't come tell you!" Nat starts. Fury gives her the signature 'what the f do you mean' look. "Loki was beating her! Before he left she always had bruises from him or from being literally thrown at walls! She was terrified of what Loki would do if he lost the staff," Nat pleads with him.

Fury turns and looks at me. I nod, trying to make myself look vulnerable. I feel bad playing off of Fury's weaknesses, aka one of his favorites giving him what humans call 'puppy dog eyes,' but I can't be locked up. I can't imagine what would happen when Loki got his hands on the staff. I don't want to imagine what would happen, because it would probably involve a whole lot of kneeling and a whole lot of corpses.

Fury reluctantly swipes his badge over the handcuffs and they chirp, before opening and releasing my hands.

"Miss Dipity, what do you have to say?" Fury asks me, calm and quiet. More like ticked and dangerous. I gulp before answering.

"You can't put the staff in lock-up," I start, my voice quivering. It's a big demand for someone who narrowly avoided being added to a world-wide most wanted list. "Loki can just pop in and take it out again. Thor and I have been guarding it because Loki keeps popping up to try and take it back. We've stopped three attempts so far, and on the last one it was bad enough that if Nat had been two seconds later, I would be dead." I tell him, my confidence growing as I state the circumstances. Fury strokes his chin, considering what to do now.

After a long moment, Fury nods. He walks over to his desk and presses a button on his phone. A woman answers on speaker.

"What can I do for you, Director?" She asks professionally. Fury looks at us, me holding the staff with Nat and Thor by my side.

"Initiate protocol V," He responds, and immediately hangs up. "We've got work to do."


I walk back to my apartment by myself, holding the cold staff. I pad down the halls in my socks, getting weird looks from all the agents dressed for battle, and even weirder ones when they realize that I'm holding the missing staff. I get past my security check in and go into my room, leaving the door unlocked. Nearly slipping and landing on my bottom, I fill up a bowl with water and leave it by the sink. Then I walk back to the carpet, where I can't fall, and flop onto the couch. I intertwine my legs on the staff, keeping it locked in with me. Now I just have to wait.

This had better work.

As expected, almost an hour after I got back, the familiar breeze of teleportation swept through the room. I fly to my feet, tightly gripping the staff.

"I know you're here, Loki." I say to the empty room, spinning in circles. "If you reveal yourself... I'll," I swallow hard, trying to push my anxieties into my stomach. "I'll give you the staff." I finish.

Loki suddenly appears in front of me. He grins, ecstatic.

"Glad to see you realized the solution to all this, darling." He says, desperate to grab the staff. I walk up as close to him as I can, and place it in his hands. As the green smoke starts to appear, I wrap my hand around his forearm and hold it tightly. I get sucked into the teleportation with him. When we land, I release a sigh of relief that my body made it in one piece. Loki looks at me, horribly confused.

He taps the staff on the ground, trying to ignore me. When it doesn't glow as the real staff would, he turns to me, his eyes a blue rage. I raise my palms and smirk, feigning innocence.

"Oh, you probably thought I meant the real staff." I tell him, exaggeratedly walking around the room, which appears to be a tiny apartment. "Whoops," I whisper, taunting him. He marches up to me, deadly angry.

"Where is it?" He growls at me through gritted teeth. I laugh at him, and his expression drops, growing more confused by the minute.

"Actually, I don't know!" I declare, giddy. This is working. "What I do know, is that you won't get it. Not even over my dead body." I sneer at this man who has poisoned Loki's mind. He grabs my shoulder hard enough to bruise and shoves me into his tiny excuse of a kitchen. I slip one of my hands into my pocket and press the tiny red button Nat handed me. Loki pushes me down, and my knees buckle. I turn around to look at him and he's barely two inches from my face, staring at me as if he were imagining how best to season me before I went in the oven.

I just smile, innocently. He won't know what to do next for at least a few minutes. He's most likely too distracted to remember that he can read my mind, which is good, because if he knew what we are planning... boy would that be bad. Loki starts pacing in his living room, racking his brain for ideas.

Then the doorbell rings.

"Delivery!" Someone calls out. Loki freezes and stares at the door. He doesn't order things. He carefully walks towards the door, his feet near silent. Before he can even touch the handle, the door breaks down. Revealing Nat, Tony, and a whole lot of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He looks at me, absolutely shocked and betrayed.

In his moment of confusion, Nat clamps a set of enchanted Asgardian handcuffs around his wrists and Tony puts a muzzle-like piece of technology over his mouth. I get up and walk over to them. On my toes I press a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"This is for your own good. I love you." I whisper into his ear. His eyes flash green for longer this time, and I feel sure that it was my Loki who stared at me.

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