Chapter 3

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We want to talk,” He says. I square my jaw and defiantly shake my head at him. He steps forward, and metal begins to assemble itself over him. 

“It wasn’t a question.” He responds


Come on guys! I don’t want to kill more people. But I cannot let myself be obtained again. I inhale and close my eyes, visualizing all the water around me. I call it to myself and begin to hit a power high. I summon the water from the dew drops on the plants, from the mud, from inside the trees, even from the moisture in the air. 

It isn’t the ocean, but it will have to do. I call it to myself and once again use it as a platform. I rise up, and they begin to bring their weapons into the light. The man with the metal points a blue light from his palm at me. The man with the hammer begins to crackle with electricity. The woman pulls out two small guns from inside her jacket. The man with her pulls a stick from the woman’s bag and unfolds it to reveal a bow. He pulls some arrows from a pocket in his jacket. 

Within a few seconds, I have much too many weapons pointed at me. I throw a small orb of water at each of them, except for the metal man. It distracts them and makes it difficult for them to breathe, and once it hits the ground I can simply summon it again. The man with the hammer dives for me, almost flying through the air. I jerk to the right and he flies through a tree. 

A man in the background cracks a smile as the hammer man gathers himself off the ground. The woman escapes my water and tries to shoot me. A wall of water will at the very least slow her bullets, but she most likely won’t be able to shoot me. The metal man points his light at me again. What is he even hoping to accomplish with that? A flashlight is being taken too seriously. 

I glance behind me and see another man, this one with a… large circle? Why does he have a plate in a fight. While I’m distracted, flashlight man releases a bolt of energy at me. I duck, and it just passes me. The one with the circle breaks into a run with the shield, I guess, tucked over his shoulder. He is trying to shove me out of the way. The woman is still shooting at me, but she is creeping forward. I do a headcount in my head. 

1, flashlight.

2, hammer

3, girl

4, plate

5, the laughing one



Wait where’s the bow? I spin around, looking for him, when an arrow comes from the tree above me and imbeds itself in my shoulder. I shriek in pain, and they all stumble to the ground. I try to calm myself down enough to get it out, so I tuck myself into all my water, but the moment I touch it the arrow makes a crackling noise. The energy floods into my safe bubble, and in an instant it feels like my skin is on fire. All of my muscles strain and flail as they try to absorb whatever just happened.

My bubble pops, and I absorb most of the water like a piece of cloth, the rest washes away from me. Onto the feet of my attackers. I see them, but I can’t move. I want to move, but I’m so tired. I’m bleeding, my face is cut, my feet are raw, my hair is everywhere, and I’m so tired I can barely fight off the black spots on my vision. 

I feel some of my scales raise to try and heal me, like armor that only appears when it feels like it; but it’s too much for me to handle and I black out. My last thoughts are panicking as I remember the last time I let them get me. 

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