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morning sket
did you die in your sleep yet?

fuming. you have to come to the gym with me now.

why would i want to see more of your ugly face?

be ready, i'm coming to your flat now x

the arctic monkeys blasted through mads' airpods as she ran up the many flights of stairs to her best mate's apartment.

"alright, dickhead?" she says through pants, wrapping her arms around his neck as a greeting.

"why are you so wet?" he says in disgust.

"that's what she said, but i ran upstairs. it's called sweat."

"you aren't funny." he says, looking her dead in the eyes. they had that kind of friendship, they'd take the piss out of each other but it was always in pure love.

"if you two are going to shag, please get out of the doorway." lux remarks. they had gotten used to these remarks, with everyone thinking they were together or romantically involved. the pair wanted nothing more, but neither of them were planning on admitting that any time soon.

the gym was only a two minute walk from their tower, so the two decided they would run, holding out-of-breath conversation all the way there. neither of them were the most active people but they weren't slow either.

"how come you're going to the gym now anyways?" he asks, pushing a bar weight into the air from his bench.

"jack says i need to. says i'm getting fat." she admits sadly, putting her head down slightly but trying to continue her run on the treadmill.

"yet more proof that he's the worlds biggest wanker and you should break up with him." he sits up and looks her in the eye, not being able to understand why she was still with him after all the times he had fucked her over.

"he's not a wanker! he's a really nice, sweet guy." she says, trying to convince herself more than anything. would a sweet guy tell her she is getting fat and needs to lose weight?

"seems it, mate."

"why do you think he's that bad though? like seriously?" she says, sitting down on the bench next to her best mate. she valued his opinion more than her own, and so was curious as to what he meant.

"i just think you could be happier, that's all." he says, putting a hand round her back in support.

"you can't really say much though. you're still chasing after katie after she's used you so many times." she jokes. he knew she was right. he knew katie didn't want him, that she was using him, but he couldn't help it. katie had been his girlfriend since they were so young, he thought she was the right girl for him.

he jokingly shoves her in defence, causing her to go flying off the bench. he rushes over to help her up, wrapping his arms around her in apology. to everyone else in the gym, they just looked like a young couple, but to them it was a lot more complicated.

they end up sat in a fancy vegan restaurant, seeing as a maccies after going to the gym didn't seem like a smart idea.

"so what are you and noncey doing tonight then?" he asks, taking a piece of the girl's food and eating it. only to be met with a death stare from her.

"he's not a nonce! but he's taking me out to the casino with his mates." in reality, she couldn't care less about going to the casino, she'd much rather just have a night in.

"ooo, you get an evening with a bunch of nonces instead of just one. lucky you!"

"shut up man!" she says, taking a piece of his food and throwing it in his face. on instinct, he does the same back. this continues, with both parties in fits of laughter, until they realise everyone in the restaurant is staring and so have to awkwardly walk out, trying to look as normal as possible.

"good luck! you'll need it." harry shouts as she walks out of the lift, feeling slightly salty that she is out with an absolute prick and not spending time with him.

"see you, dickhead."

the melody of 'married with children' blasts through the speaker, as she curls her long, brunette hair in the mirror. looking at the reflection staring back at her, she hates what she sees. it's just not her, to her. it isn't mads. her face hidden behind a thick layer of makeup, because it 'makes her prettier', according to jack. as well as her full legs and stomach being on show. she plasters on a fake smile, trying to prevent herself from screaming in frustration.

jack x

i'm outside. hurry up.

she stops and takes a deep breath, knowing full well she was in for a shit storm.

"hey baby!"

"hey." she replies through gritted teeth, trying not to gag at the nickname.

"so, how was your day?" he asks without taking his eyes off of the road.

"good. harry and i went to the gym and then just hung out for a bit after."

he rolls his eyes and scoffs, seething at the blond boy for spending time with his girlfriend. "i don't get what you see in him."

"he's my friend? i'm allowed to have friends?" the girl says, confused as to her boyfriend's anger. harry was just a friend to her, wasn't he?

"friends don't look at each other like that."

"i'm sorry for looking at him then?"

the couple sits in silence until they reached the casino, where her worst nightmare started to unfold. a lot of drunken men, betting and shouting in anger. she would smile through gritted teeth on the odd chance someone would actually want to have a conversation, which would make a change from just being shown off by jack. like a trophy or a piece of meat.

it gets to the point in the night where a lot has been drunk and quite a bit has been taken. the drugs in his system bringing out the aggression in her boyfriend to the point where he punches her. because his company was as bad as him, this punch was only met with laughs and cheers as she is left wincing in pain. the night gets late and she gets pushed around the group, each drunken man undressing her with his eyes, making her more and more uncomfortable, just thinking about how she'd give anything to just get out of here.

"jack. can we go?" she pleads, having taken all she could bare of these men for one night.

he begrudgingly picks up his bag and drags her by the arm towards the exit, making no effort to be careful. after slamming the car door in her face, he gets off, speeding down the motorway at inhumane speeds. this was it. this was how she was to die.

he drops her outside her apartment and drives off straight away, barely even letting her step out of the car first. resulting in her falling over on the side of the road.

'great, just great.' she thought to herself as she pushed herself back up. making my her upstairs, having to bite down on her lip to stop herself from crying, she ends up contemplating why she ever stayed with him. she remembers just how sweet he was at the start, how he would be the one to ask to facetime, and he would ask her on spontaneous trips and weekends away. now, that's all fucked. it's just either bars, or casinos, and it's always as a group.

'and they say romance is dead.'

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now