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@/keemstar tagged you in a tweet

mads opened twitter reluctantly, knowing those five words would never end well.

@/keemstar leaked video from #selfish release party. @/wroetoshaw @/birchy got something to say?
-one video attachment-
300k likes 100k replies 20k retweets

shit. someone must've been recording.

she watched the video with a bittersweet feeling lingering in her mind. watching the kiss back brought back the rush she felt in the moment, but then the bitterness of knowing the aftermath also coming back. she sighs, forshadowing the effect this will have on her image. her main channel had gone up to 6million subscribers with the release of her song, and harry's 15 million subs would surely have an opinion on the situation.

text to: wanker
i know we haven't talked in a while, but we need to talk about everything on twitter. elle wants a meeting with the both of us at the office tomorrow.

text from: wanker
see you then.

text from: joe x

call me asap.

she took a deep breath before picking up her phone. joe and mads had been on four tinder dates and were really enjoying each other's company, but the feelings she had for harry never went away. she'd find herself daydreaming when they were spending time together, imagining the man infront of her was her best friend. even if it was only for a split second, the guilt was unimaginable.

"alright?" she says, acting naïve to the whole situation.

"what's the video, mads?" he says, coldly.

"it was a drunken mistake, i swear." 

that was a pure lie. for harry it may have been, but to mads, this was a moment that was long awaited.

"so you have absolutely no feelings for the man in that video?" he asks, his voice cracking in hurt.

she hesitates, taking time to ready herself to lie to him once again.

"it was nice speaking to you, mads. i hope you're happy together." joe says, ending the call and walking out of her life.

she dropped her phone and fell back onto her sofa, her hands supporting her head as she broke down. tears streaming down her face, landing on her sofa underneath her.

stupid friends with benefits. stupid feelings. always fucking everything up.

new tweet from: @/wroetoshaw
@/wroetoshaw drunken mistakes happen. that's all i will be saying on this situation, take that as you want.
100k likes 1k retweets 50k replies

a drunken mistake. that's all it was to him.


new tweet from: @/wroetoshaw
@/wroetoshaw drunken mistakes happen. that's all i will be saying on this situation, take that as you want.
100k likes 50k replies 1k retweets

"happy?" harry says, turning to the angry girl in his arms. katie had invited herself around to his apartment as soon as she saw the video, wanting an explanation to what she had seen.

"of course. now, you just have to prove that it is just a 'drunken mistake' by cutting off contact with her. seeing as you have 'no feelings' towards her." the girl says with a smirk. their friendship had always been a reason for jealousy in their relationship, to the point of it being her excuse for cheating on multiple occasions.

harry debates her request, outrageous as it was. he knew deep down he had more feelings towards mads, but katie was the girl who had him on a leash. not wanting to lose her yet again, he complies against his will.

anything to keep her from leaving again.

"sure. i'll tell her at the meeting tomorrow." he says, through gritted teeth. seeing the girl slyly smile slightly makes him ease off. at least something made her happy.

she pulls him into a kiss, to show her approval.

nothing. he felt nothing.

where was the 'sparks' he was supposed to feel? where was the rush of adrenaline?

ah, shit. he'd fucked it, hadn't he?

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now