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mads was awakened by the door to their hotel room flying open, and harry walking in, suitcase in hand. without a second thought, she ran up to the dirty blond haired boy, resting her arms around his neck as she slowly leaned in towards him, connecting their lips and causing him to drop his case as the kiss deepened.

"missed me then?" he laughs breathlessly with a smirk as he lowered the girl back to the floor.

"little bit." she replies, beaming up at the boy next to her. "but you did wake me up, so you can also piss right off."

the pair ended up falling back to sleep, with harry shirtless and mads resting her head on his bare chest, only to be awoken a few hours later by mads' alarm going off.

"shit. haz, get up. the fight's in two hours." she shouts, shaking the blonde haired boy awake.

she laughs as the boy sleepily drags himself into the shower, trying to prepare himself for the event to come. she could tell he was nervous, they all were. this was massive for jj, he'd fought before but this was on a much larger scale.

seeing him walk out of the shower, with only a towel wrapped around his lower half and hair all messy, mads feels her eyes drift to his torso, subconsciously checking her boyfriend out.

"ah, so you've noticed i've been going to the gym more?" he teases, going over to his girlfriend and pulling her into another kiss.

"you look great, haz." she replies, looking up at him from her place infront of the mirror.

"not too bad yourself, y'know."

the pair of them rushed to get ready, as they had spent that much time oversleeping. they ran out of their hotel room, with mads holding onto harry's arm, tightening her heels to her ankle as the two of them ran to catch up with everyone else.

"jeez, you two look smart." freezy laughs, pulling the two of them into hugs to welcome them.

"surprised harry even owns any clothes that aren't football shirts, to be honest." mads laughs.

harry tenses up beside her, his nerves hightening as they got closer to the venue. mads noticed this and pulls him into a hug, trying to help him ease off. what the pair of them didn't know was that with the amount of people filming the night for a good title, someone was bound to catch them in the background.

"he'll be fine, haz. you've seen how much he's been training, hell be class." she reassures him, her own nerves lacing her voice.

the group made their way to the bar, hoping that the alcohol would take away all their worries. thinking logically, harry and mads decided to split up, so as not to give the fans anything more to speculate about if they were seen together in the back of someone's video.

the fight was called and they all made their way to their seats, ready for jj to get up into the ring. he did well, with him definitely having got the first two rounds in the bag. it was obvious the two boys were tired though, as the energy in the ring got a lot lower with each passing round. harry's hand grips mads' tighter with each of logan's punches, scared shitless for his friend in the ring.

the end of the sixth round is called and the judges are deliberating their final scores. the cameras catch every moment, with simon leaning on harry as they both nervously anticipate their friend's fate.

"AND WITH 56, 55. SO THE WINNER BY SPLIT DECISION, FROM THE UNITED..." the presenter says, announcing the final result. there could only have been a millisecond of a break between the two words, but to the group of them waiting, it couldn't have felt any longer.


the crowd erupts into cheers. despite the event taking place in logan's backyard, the whole stadium seemed to have been backing jj for the dub. the ringside group couldn't contain themselves, pulling each and every person into hugs with tears streaming down their faces. jj had done it. he'd managed to beat logan paul, someone on paper, he was meant to have lost by a long way to. yet, he managed to win. mads and harry found their way to each other, unable to contain themselves as they jumped into each others arms, the cameras capturing every moment as he puts a kiss into her hair. he hadn't felt happier than he had in that moment. celebrating his best mate's win, with his best friends and his girlfriend by his side. nothing could bring his mood down.

down the road from the arena was an exclusive hollywood nightclub, that had been booked out to celebrate the W. it was an insane night, everyone was completely smashed and just to be partying together felt great. jjs music blasted out the speakers as the whole group danced together, laughing as the boys displayed some questionable moves.

not much was filmed that night apart from instagram stories. unbeknownst to the people filming them, they had caught mads and harry mid-kiss on multiple occasions. completely blowing the pair's cover.

"haz, there's too many people filming. we need to move somewhere else." she whispers while detaching herself from her boyfriend's lips, unwillingly.

he grabs her by the hand and the pair of them make their way out of the club and into an uber, wanting their own celebrations. they make their way back into the hotel, running up and into the lift before connecting their lips once again. their lips only just touching when they were interrupted, yet again, by the lift coming to a stop and a smartly dressed woman walking in, her eyes widening when she realised what had been happening just before she had walked in.

"have fun, kids." she laughed as they ran out at their floor, not wanting to be delayed any longer.

kicking their room door closed, harry picked the brunette up, attaching his lips to hers and tightening his grip around her waist. he moved his lips to her neck as they moved onto the bed, stripping off as they went. they finished the night with her lying on his bare chest, breathless from the moment the two had just shared. no matter how many times it had happened, it was still as endorphin enducing as the first time.

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now