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harry walked into the apartment of his best mate two floors above his, hands shaking as he twisted the doorknob of the unlocked door.

nothing could have prepared him for the scene he was about to come across.

there lay mads' unconscious body on her otherwise spotless kitchen floor, surrounded by her own vomit. trying to contain himself from breaking down, he ran over to the girl, attempting to shake her awake. listening in, she was still breathing. his fingers shaking as he dials 999.

"hello? yes. hi, i need an ambulance as soon as possible. i've just found my gi-friend unconscious on the floor in her apartment." he ranted to the person on the other end of the phone. in his panicked state, he starts calling her his girlfriend but stops himself.

stop harry. you are just friends.

"she's still breathing, but i'm scared she'll stop. please, just please help her." he continues, his voice cracking with every other word. he couldn't lose her. he couldn't let it happen, especially not like this.

much to the nurses dismay, he insisted on staying by her side for every part of the hospital stay. it was his fault she was in this mess and he would never let himself live it down if she didn't make it out.


tobs, i'm with mads at the hospital. she's gone into a coma, but at this point they think she will pull through.

at what hospital?

stratford general

i'm on my way.

tobi walked into the girl's room on ward 6B to see her hooked up to more wires than he could count. she was a skeleton of the mads he knew. her eyes lay closed and her skin was missing it's usual glow. this built a lump in his throat. was this it? was this how he was going to lose his best friend?

his eyes were drawn away from her though, and to the girls side. where harry was sat, holding her limp hand in his and crying over her body. praying to any god that he could think of that she would be okay. that she would pull through. harry wasn't a religious guy, so this was a sure sign to tobi of how much he loved the brunette.

he pulled the dirty-blond haired boy into a hug, sensing how broken he was. he knew full well how much harry loved mads, and could see him slowly starting to realise it himself.

harry stayed at the hospital for days on end, just wanting to be by her side every step of the way. the day he saw her finger twitch was amongst the best in his life. the sheer relief at seeing she was even slightly conscious was inexplicable.

after running to tell the first nurse he could, he couldn't contain the tears. 

she had done it. she'd pulled through.

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now