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new tweet from: @/tobjizzle
@/tobjizzle please go stream to my best friends beautiful song #selfish 🕊

today was the day. the day selfish was finally released to the world. tobi had encouraged mads to get into writing music as a distraction from everything. from harry, from jack and from everything else.

"hey guys, it's birchy. now today is a bit of a weird video, as i'm going to be singing my own song. i wrote this song myself, and thought i'd give you guys a little rendition. so yeah, enjoy." she starts, trying to look as happy as she can.

'shouldn't love you but i couldn't help it.'
sums it all up really.

'had a feeling that you never felt it'
was she imagining things when she thought he gave her a signal?

'don't know why i looked the other way'
why did they ever decide friends with benefits was going to be a smart idea?

"so yeah, if you enjoyed, you can stream it now on spotify and apple music! anyways, all the best, stay in touch. mwah!" she says, signing off her video. it was done, it was out there.

tobi wraps his arms around her as she presses upload, shaking with nerves. "it's amazing, mads." he reassures her as she stares wide eyed at her screen, still waiting for the reaction.

the group were having a party that night, to celebrate the release of the song. it was a big night, her label had booked out a club in the centre of london for the night. they had given her quite the outfit, a blue dress with a feather skirt and a pair of insane custom blue jordan's. they had hired someone to do her makeup and hair, which made her feel a bit uncomfortable as she wasn't used to stuff like this. she only had about 3 million subscribers, she felt like an imposter to something on this scale. for jj, maybe this would have been more fitting. definitely not her.

arriving at the venue, she looks around seeing her friends and family all there to celebrate her, it was a mad feeling. everyone was dressed on theme, all sporting blue clothing.

harry was there too, feeling very awkward as his girlfriend insisted on coming to the event along with him, despite her hatred towards mads. they sat by the bar, downing drinks as mads came over to thank them both from coming. her face dropping when she sees the girl on his arm.

"katie! so glad you could make it!" she says, giving the girl an awkward hug. she had to at least try and be respectful towards her, no matter her personal feelings.

"congrats." katie replies bluntly, earning her a light nudge from harry.

"congrats, wanker. you deserve this." he says, pulling the girl into a tight embrace, the memories of their nights together returning to the forefront of his mind.

but why? why did they keep coming back?

"thanks, mate." she says, blowing a kiss and walking away to go and talk to the other guests.

fuck. she looks insane.

"you done gawping at her?" katie says, angrily to her boyfriend who can't keep his eyes off of mads.

"oh. yeah, sorry."

he sighs and downs another drink, knowing he'll need a lot to get through this night.

she sighs, from the dance floor as she sees the couple smiling together at the bar. 'FLUORESCENT ADOLESCENT' plays through the speaker as she makes her way over to her friends, trying to dance away her fears. she sees katie storm out of the door and breathes a sigh of relief at not having to put on an act anymore.

"alright bellend?" she says, walking over to the bar stool next to harry.

"mhm. it's your big night, man, go enjoy it. don't worry about me." he hums sadly.

she takes his hand in hers, rubbing circles on the back of it with her thumb, obviously sensing his upset.

"well i can't enjoy my big night if you're here upset. come and dance with me, you can forget about her for tonight." she suggests.

he smiles and rolls his eyes, following her onto the dance floor. the pair of them drunkenly dancing to the music, forgetting completely about everyone else in the venue. with her forcing him to dance with the girls as 'snap out of it' blasts through the club's speakers. tobi slips a word to the dj to put on a slightly slower song, knowing full well the effect it would have. as the song slows down, mads wraps her arms around his neck, and harry's go around her waist, pulling them against each other. as their eyes meet, desire rears it's neck and the two smash their lips together. the kiss was always going to happen, everyone knew. everyone knew they were still into each other, harry just told himself he was more into katie.

"i have to go." he stutters, running out of the club. trying to think over what had just happened, and why he was so happy about it. if katie was the love of his life, why did he kiss mads? and why did he enjoy it so much?

she was distraught. he obviously regretted their moment which made her feel even worse for enjoying it. she locked herself in the bathroom and broke down. cursing herself for wanting to kiss him so badly. for wanting that adrenaline back. for ruining both of their nights.

why couldn't she just keep her hands to herself?

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now