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mads and harry had met up to go bowling together near their apartments. they were on the final round and the score was 88 to mads and 89 to harry, with one bowl left each. loser paid for everyone's drinks that night, so it was all to play for really.

stepping up and rolling the ball straight into the gutter, mads crumbles to the floor in frustration. she didn't mind paying, but it was the fact that she'd lost to harry and she knew he'd never let her live it down.

"let's go, lads." harry shouts, pumping the air comically in celebration. seeing mads' embarrassment at it all only encouraged him to do it more, shouting to everyone in the alley that he had won and she in fact had lost.

"fancy a trip to guernsey next week?" harry asked while taking a sip of his vodka redbull. the pair had found a local bar near the bowling alley and settled down into a dark booth in the corner to talk.

"would love to, mate. how come you're going back?"

"y'know how my mum gets. she saw all the hate we were both getting and just wanted to make sure we were okay." he says with a reassuring smile.

"sounds class. i'll look for a hotel for myself now." she replies, mirroring his facial expression.

"why? just stay in my room with me."

"that's normal for us, but to your mum it just looks weird. how you going to get round that one then?"

this was it. this was the moment he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. the nervousness cringed him out, it wasn't that big of a deal really. but something about her made him so nervous.

"i mean, we could just tell her you're my girlfriend?" he says with a questioning undertone, praying that his nerves didn't show through the cracks in his acting.

she walked round to his side of the booth and pulled him into a kiss. this was the moment she had been waiting for. with every time their friends had asked about what they were, every awkward conversation that had followed, every moment they'd spent together had led up to this.

the kiss got quite heated before the two remembered they were in public, resulting in them awkwardly shuffling out of the bar hand in hand with their heads down. both of them were smiling from ear to ear, not even trying to retain composure.

harry shakily unlocked the front door to his house as mads clung to his hip, not wanting to wait any longer for what was to follow. when the door swung open, the pair bolted upstairs to harry's room, comically shushing each other as they tried not to wake the cals.

a/n bit smutty so if you don't fancy reading it just skip to the next chapter.

mere seconds passed between harry's bedroom door shutting and him pushing mads up against it, both of their lips attached. the kiss heated up quickly and soon after, the two of them lay nude on his bed, her legs wrapped around him.

as the two lay out of breath in his bed, just trying to take in what had happened, harry rolled over and turned to mads.

"y'know, you never actually gave me an answer before." he states cockily.

this is only met with an eye roll and a shake of the head from the brunette. "yes, i'll be your girlfriend, dickhead." she says with a small smile.

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ