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the group sat in the office, awkwardly sat on three chairs far apart on the table. uncomfortable was an understatement, discussing a 'drunken kiss' in a business meeting was not how either of the pair wanted to spend their friday.

"now, harry. you've already tweeted and that's as much as i think you need to do, your brand isn't really big deep talks so there's no point going any deeper into it. mads, you're a different story. you haven't uploaded in a month and then this comes out, you need to do a sit down explanation, as cringe as it sounds. explain about jack, harry and joe, and how important mental health is. it will give you a good reason." their manager rants, explaining how to run their personal channels and justify their actions.

"joe? who's joe?" harry asks, slight anger lacing his voice. the thought of mads with another guy frustrated him, as hypocritical as that sounded with him still being with katie.

"just a guy i was seeing. emphasis on the was." mads sighs defeated, sinking down into her seat further. she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone about it, let alone to make a sit down video and explain everything.

"oh, right." harry replies sadly. he could see the pain in her eyes as she spoke, and wanted nothing more than to run over and hug her.

stop harry. cold turkey.

"well, i think that's it." their manager says, leaving the two alone in the room.

"so, how've you been?" the girl says with a weak smile, it felt like in the space of a month they'd gone from being attached by the hip to being further apart than ever.

"good, good. you?"

"yeah same. so, how did katie react to the video?"

"she wasn't happy, at all. but she said as long as it was just a one time, drunken mistake then she's okay with it." he says through a breathy laugh, refusing to look the girl in the eye. he knew he'd see the pain in the tears that glazed her eyes, and it would just break him.

"why do i feel a but coming?" she croaks out, her voice cracking with the lump in her throat.

"but, she's said to prove my loyalty to her. i can't speak to you again." he whispers. his head hung towards the floor as he couldn't stand the thought of having hurt his best friend. hearing her let out a choked sob, his conscience leaves and he runs over to pull the brunette into a hug.

"i'm sorry, mads." he whispers into her hair as she sobs against his chest.

"ay. don't get all soppy on me. if she makes you happy, then it's the best thing for you." she manages to force out lightly after feeling a drop of water fall on her shoulder from the eyes of the boy infront of her.

"i'll see you around then, bellend." she says with a sad smile. trying to cover up her hurt that a girl was more important to him than their friendship. or, the hurt that he had chosen another girl over her. after calling herself an uber, she sits down on the pavement and pulls out her phone notes, trying to work out what the fuck she was going to say in this video she was meant to be putting out.

"halo tower, stratford, please." she says to the driver as she climbs into the back seat. she just about manages to get her seatbelt on before the waterworks start again.

crying in a cab. classy.


harry lay on his bed, scrolling through his phone aimlessly to try and distract himself from what he had just had to do. he knew he didn't want to, but katie being back in his life was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

just best mates - wroetoshaw (FINISHED) Where stories live. Discover now