02 ✦ Observe

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I just saw the best upsexy ever!

What the fucking what is an upsexy?

...You're supposed to say what's up sexy.

Don't tell me what to fucking do.

CROWDS PILED AROUND YOU, the dense mass of hero students surrounded you from every side. Close to your chest was the few numbers of pencils and paper that managed not to get knocked out of your grasp in the two o'clock lunch rush

Earlier, you had visited UA's principal, Mr. Nezu. He advised you to try and get to the classroom you would be working in before lunchtime. Yet, when you waved him off assuring him everything would be fine, you never once imagined that you would end up getting trampled.

Clutching onto your belongings a little harder, you trudged through the barrage of teenagers, setting your eye on the end of the hallway. Finally reaching an area in which you can move your arms with ease, you breathed out a restless sigh.

You didn't mind a crowd, it was the least of your worries. You looked down at the paper you were given, written on it was the classroom you were supposed to meet Bakugo in.

'Class 04: art room' was scrawled onto the tiny sticky note. However, the notorious principal did not show any sign of helping you get to your destination. And as a rule-abiding , teacher pleasing girl would do, you kept your mouth shut and waddled outside his office without another word.

"Damn, this school is built like a maze." You muttered out loud, rubbing at your temples and stopping to figure out where you were. Confused, you stared at a classroom in shock. You swore that you already passed by the same door at least 3 times.

Stomping your foot in agitation, you huffed out a breath in annoyance. If getting to the room was that hard, you couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult the job itself would be.

"Are you having a fucking temper tantrum? Is that what's happening here?" You froze in your place, eyes wide and self-esteem torn. You knew that voice so well. Ironic enough as you managed to only hear a few of the things he had to say, and well, he never said the nicest things.

You turned around slowly on the heel of your foot, your eyes meeting the blonde's ruby red ones with ease. "I'm just lost." You huffed out, crossing your arms and glancing back at many doors that decorated the corridors.

Bakugo rolled his eyes, a soft 'tsk' escaping his thin rosy lips. Making his way down the busy hallway once again, he led the way for you, whipping his head around to glare at you in confusion. "Are you just going to stand there? Hurry the fuck up." the blonde scolded, not waiting for you to answer his question as he kept going.

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