13 ✦ Stay

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I like the rain

Why? So you get wet?

We don't need rain for that

Why do I even talk to you?

YOU WERENT SURE BUT YOU COULD FEEL BAKUGOS EYES ON YOU, watching your every move. You could see his ruby-red eyes stare back at you from the corner of your eye. You didn't mind it, but it was beginning to worry you.

You finally lifted your brush from the canvas, turning to look at him in a questioning manner. "Something wrong?" you asked, his gaze unwavering and his face expressionless.

"Nope, everything is just.." he paused to take his fingers through his unruly locks, "fine." You finished with a breathy sigh, making you eye him down in caution.

Now you were just confused. You rose your eyebrows in a questioning manner, cocking your head to the side and shrugging your shoulders. "Ok then" you mumbled, facing your canvas once more and going back to work.

He kept staring, his eyes piercing the back of your head, pulling at your mind. It was annoying. Although now that you thought about it, he's been acting strange the whole week. Quiet, tolerable, and cool-headed, he was a whole different person.

Taking in a steady breath, you stepped back to take a look at your progress, nodding your head as your lips curled upward into a small smile.

"Looks good so far, miss Pablo Picasso."Bakugo suddenly stepped up behind you and whispered into your ear, making you jump back frantically and let out a quiet screech. With a hand on your chest, you steadied your breathing and sighed, "Thanks?" you said in question.

Slouching behind you, Bakugo eyed your painting, noticing the intricate details and fine strokes you added. He didn't want to admit it but he was impressed.

You tended up at his every move, the tension being so plainly obvious, you couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

"Uhm, Ok! I think we are done for the day." You exclaimed, clasping your hands together and slightly surprising the still blonde, "I guess I'll be on my way!" You smiled, tossing your bag over your shoulder and giggling excessively for no reason.

Bakugo's eyes trailed your figure, taking a long stride towards you and taking your bag into his hands. "You have a ride?" He asked, his hooded eyes not showing much emotion as you stood still, blinking in confusion before shaking your head no.

"My brother can't pick me up, so i was just planning on walking back home." Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes, beginning to walk ahead of you. "I'll walk with you, we don't want a car running over a dumbass like you."

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