04 ✦ Fault

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Your face triggers me

Ooo, could this be affection??



BAKUGO WAS A LOT OF THINGS. He was stubborn, he was ignorant, he was hot-tempered, but most importantly, he was rude as fuck. You showed up the next day a little earlier than you did in the day before, knowing that if you showed up a little later you'd be trampled in the hungry swarm of students.

And yet, you didn't at all expect to wait for an extra 15 minutes in the small art room. You also didn't expect that Bakugo wouldn't show up, the pure thought was imaginably unbelievable, there was just no way he could've ditched you like that-

Just kidding.

You were aware that the day would come when he didn't shove his blonde ruffle through the door, and that's exactly the reason why you were marching through the way at that exact moment. Annoyance? You haven't felt that in a long time.

You were pretty laid back and cool when it came to situations similar to what was happening, but for some reason, you weren't having it. Students backed away from your figure, the glare now etched your features aggressively.

Everything in your life was now riding on a damn blonde that didn't want to cooperate with you, great, just great. You slowed down, taking in your surroundings and trying to figure out where to go. In reality, you really didn't know where you were going. In these cases, you would've gone to the principal and tattle tale the hell out of Bakugo, but for some reason, something was stopping you.

"You're such a damn goody two-shoes it's pissing me off, learn to let loose. Breaking the fucking rules once in a while won't kill you dumbass,"

You scoffed lightly, shaking your head at the words that replayed in your mind like a broken record. You weren't a goody-two-shoes, at least you didn't think so. Finding Bakugo wouldn't be so hard, right?

"Oh, Miss Y/N, there you are."

You turned on the heel of your foot, spinning around to figure out what was going on. Widening your eyes at the sight that was lied out for you, you couldn't help but giggle at what you saw. Who you presumed to be Mr. Aizawa strode towards you, his features calm and vague. It took you a while to spot who was behind him.

Tied up the bonds of the pro hero, Bakugo struggled behind Aizawa, his words muffled and muted. Holding in the laughs that desperately wanted to escape was hard, your eyes bulging and stomach pained.

The pro hero released all grips he had on Bakugo, freeing the blonde, and unfortunately, freeing his words. "WHY AM I ALWAYS DRAGGED BACK TO THE FUCKING HAG? IM GONNA FUCKING DIE BEFORE I KNOW WHAT PEACE IS!" Bakugo seethed, stepping his ground and marching towards you, only to be pulled back by Aizawa.

"Sorry about this one, Y/N, " Aizawa spoke with ease, Bakugo's words going through one ear and exiting the other. You smiled, the strain in your body slowly melting you away. Gaining your sanity back, you waved it off to the pro hero, as if you weren't storming through the halls planning the blonde's murder a second ago.

"No worries, thank you for getting him back Mr. Aizawa!" You bubbled, taking Bakugo back into your clutches and dragging him away. With a swift glance, you checked your watch, cursing lightly when you realized the two of you only had about 20 minutes left. The two of you darted past the crowds of UA students, you in the lead as Bakugo dragged on slouching, he didn't bother keeping up with you.

"Thank you for getting him back Mr. Aizawa!!" Bakugo mocked, a lopsided smile that was meant to copy your features curled on his lips, the overly sugary tone in his voice not suiting him at all, "You're such a fucking hypocrite." Bakugo huffed out angrily, rolling his eyes and swatting you off him.

You narrowed your eyes at the boy. He ditched you, then has the audacity to talk back? Who were you kidding, you should've expected all of this. "Sorry to break it to you buddy, but I act like that to everyone, you're an exception. You don't deserve nice Y/N, she's too good for you, so shut up and keep moving." You snapped, pushing the art room wide open and stomping towards your blank canvas, the object being a constant reminder of your absolute failure of a model.

Bakugo stood idle at the entrance, his hands in his pocket as he just stared at you with disinterest. That was enough to push off the edge and send your mind into complete turmoil. But, as fast as your anger spiraled out of control, it calmed down as you noticed something.

The blonde stared at your sudden change of demeanor with interest, he was starting to suspect that you were bipolar, but he'd keep that hypothesis for later.

"You smiled," You breathed out lightly, a charming smile gracing your lips as you sauntered towards Bakugo, and by instinct, he backed away. "Well you didn't actually smile, but it counts! I was right, you're a lot more bearable when you're pretty." You winked, the confused blonde shocked at your words. It was like a switch flipped and suddenly you were rainbows and happiness, it terrified the latter.

"Are you a fucking idiot? I was mocking you!" You shushed his words by taking his arm and leading him to the wooden chair situated in front of your canvas. You were well aware that he was joking when he smiled, but you realized earlier that the only way to break him is with a compliment.

Those screwed with his head quite well.

"Damn, so you're just naturally attractive even when you're trying not to be? Lucky you." You shrugged, leaning in and supporting yourself on his shoulder.

"You're insane."

"I take pride in that, actually." You admitted, waving him off and getting a pencil ready. The time was ticking down in your head, and if you estimated correctly, you had around 10 minutes to sketch the base of his figure.

You straightened your back and gestured the blonde to sit down, which of course, he ignored with a slight turn of the head. You started lining the basics, getting his face shape and shoulder. Flinching at the sound of the school bell, you whispered a curse. You had to admit, in the battle of will Bakugo was definitely winning. His stubbornness drove you mad, however, you'd rather die then let him know that part.

Softly mumbling, you erased the frantic sketch before you. You needed time, but sadly you didn't have that type of luxury, and you blamed it all on a certain someone. The whole day went to waste. A pout rode your lips, the disappointment you felt was undeniable.

"Oi, dumbass."

You look up to meet Bakugo's eyes, a frown curled the ends of your lips down as the blonde looked down at you. The look in his eyes was softer than usual, the eerie sight sent chills down your back.

"Looking like a constipated fart
doesn't suit you, if
anyone needs to smile its definitely


Fun fact: I ate a whole bucket of ice cream while writing this! Do I regret it?

n o

anyways, woah woah woAH, this book is already at around 1.2k reads and I'm kinda going crazy-

this could all be part of a really really long dream, or the ice cream got to my head and now I'm just hallucinating 🤠

I'm hoping this isn't a figment of my imagination so I'm gonna say, TYSM IM GLAD ALL YOU LOVELIES LIKE IT SO FAR<3

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